Management of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Flowchart
Management of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Flowchart Management of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Management of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide posioning

Carbon monoxide posioning

Carbon monoxide posioning




Urgent investigation (ECG, CXR, ABG, COHb)

Urgent investigation (ECG, CXR, ABG, COHb)

Urgent investigation (ECG, CXR, ABG, COHb)

Inhalation of car exhaust fumes
Inadequately maintained or ventilated heating systems (including those using natural gas)
Smoke from any fire
Methylene chloride in paint stripper

Inhalation of car exhaust fumes
Inadequately maintained or ventilated heating systems (including those using natural gas)
Smoke from any fire
Methylene chloride in paint stripper

Inhalation of car exhaust fumes
Inadequately maintained or ventilated heating systems (including those using natural gas)
Smoke from any fire
Methylene chloride in paint stripper

Inhalation of car exhaust fumes
Inadequately maintained or ventilated heating systems (including those using natural gas)
Smoke from any fire
Methylene chloride in paint stripper


Oxygen 100%
Tightly fitting facemask
Circuit minimizing rebreathing


Oxygen 100%
Tightly fitting facemask
Circuit minimizing rebreathing

Oxygen 100%
Tightly fitting facemask
Circuit minimizing rebreathing Conscious


Intubate and mechanically ventilated with oxygen 100%


Intubate and mechanically ventilated with oxygen 100%

Intubate and mechanically ventilated with oxygen 100% Unonscious

Significant CO poisoning excluded
Assume other diagnosis

Significant CO poisoning excluded
Assume other diagnosis

Significant CO poisoning excluded
Assume other diagnosis

Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) level?

Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) level?

Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) level?

COHb < 10%

COHb < 10%

COHb < 10%

COHb >10%

COHb >10%

COHb >10%

Contact National Poisons Information Service (in UK) to discuss management and for location of nearest center for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Contact National Poisons Information Service (in UK) to discuss management and for location of nearest center for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Contact National Poisons Information Service (in UK) to discuss management and for location of nearest center for hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Supportive care

Supportive care

Supportive care

Indication for hyperbaric oxygen?

Indication for hyperbaric oxygen?

Indication for hyperbaric oxygen?





