The management plan for all hospital inpatients should include consideration as to whether CPR should be attempted in the event of cardiac arrest.
- This decision must involve the patient, unless the patient lacks capacity for this (Chapter 111).
- When a patient lacks this capacity, the senior clinician responsible for the patient should make the decision, having consulted with those close to the patient, unless the patient has recorded their wishes in an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment or has a representative with legal authority (e.g. Power of Attorney) to make such decisions (Chapter 111).
- All discussions and decisions about CPR must be recorded fully and clearly, preferably using a standard form (e.g. Figure 6.5), and communicated to all members of the medical and nursing team caring for the patient.
The decision about CPR should be reviewed:
- If requested by the patient, or those close to the patient.
- Whenever there is a significant change in the patient's clinical condition.
- When the patient moves from one care setting to another (including transfer between wards or teams in a hospital).