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Table 10.3

Breathlessness with Clear Lungs on Chest X-Ray

DisorderArterial PO2Arterial PCO2Arterial pHSuggestive clinical features
Acute asthma (Chapter 60)Normal or lowLowHighWheeze with reduced peak flow, diurnal variability, family history, atopy.
Exacerbation of COPD (Chapter 61)LowMay be highNormal or lowFever, wheeze and productive cough; smoking history. Exacerbations in winter.
Pulmonary embolism (Chapter 57)Normal or lowLowHighRisk factors for thromboembolism (Table 56.1).
Acute coronary syndrome (Chapters 45 and 46)Normal (unless pulmonary oedema)NormalNormalCoronary risk factors, previous exertional breathlessness, abnormal ECG or raised troponin.
Sepsis (Chapter 35)Normal or lowLowLowLow or high temperature, raised white count and C-reactive protein, raised lactate.
Metabolic acidosis (Chapter37)Normal or highLowNormal or lowHyperventilation, diabetes, or renal failure, drug overdose.
Pre-radiological pneumoniaLowLowHighFever, raised white count and C-reactive protein.
Hyperventilation without organic diseaseNormal or highLowHighOften emotional stress, resolves with rebreathing or breathing exercises.

COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Most commonly due to viruses or Pneumocystis jirovecii (Table 34.4).