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Table 32.8

Use of Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate

Loading doseMagnesium sulphate 4g by slow IV bolus over 5–10 min
Maintenance infusion

1g/h magnesium sulphate for 24h, or 24h after last seizure

Omit maintenance infusion if oligo-anuric

Therapeutic levelAim for Mg level of 2–4 mmol/L
CautionCaution with concurrent use of calcium antagonists as the use of both can lead to profound hypotension
Observation during infusionCheck reflexes (upper and lower limb) – before treatment, every 30 min for first two hours and then every hour
Management of suspected overdoseOverdose causes muscle weakness, and so if reflexes are absent the infusion should be stopped and a Mg level checked
AntidoteCalcium gluconate 1g IV