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Table 110.7

Common Symptoms in Dying Patients for Which Anticipatory As-Required Prescribing is Appropriate

SymptomDrugDose for subcutaneous administrationComment
PainMorphine2–5 mg up to 2-hourly
Restlessness or agitationMidazolam2–5 mg up to 2-hourly
BreathlessnessMorphine*1–2 mg up to 2-hourly
Nausea and vomitingHaloperidol0.5–1.5 mg up to 8-hourly
Retained bronchopulmonary secretionsGlycopyrronium200–400μgm up to 4-hourly

* Usual starting dose in opioid-naive patient with normal renal function; lower doses may be required for elderly or frail patients. For patients with liver or renal impairment (eGFR <50), consult local guidelines or contact palliative care team for advice.

Opioid drug conversions are given in Table 110.8.