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Table 43.2

Rate Control in Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter

DrugCommentDose (IV)Dose (oral)

Esmolol Metoprolol Verapamil



Short-acting (half-life 2–9 min) beta-1 selective beta blocker

May cause hypotension

May cause hypotension Contraindicated in patients taking beta blockers or in heart failure

Use if there is heart failure Verapamil and amiodarone increase plasma digoxin level

May be combined with digoxin for rate control in haemodynamically unstable patients

500μgm/kg over 1 min, followed by 200μgm/kg over 4 min

5 mg over 5 min, to maximum dose of 15 mg

5 mg over 5 min, to maximum dose of 15 mg

500–1000μgm in 50 mL saline over 1h

Loading: 300 mg, diluted in 5% glucose to a volume of 20–50 mL, infused over 20 min via a central vein

Maintenance: 900–1200 mg over 24h

Not available

25–100 mg 12-hourly

40–80 mg 8-hourly

Maintenance dose 62.5–250μg daily, according to renal function/age

200 mg 8-hourly for one week, then 200 mg 12-hourly for one week, then 200 mg daily