Author(s): JohnMunyak, MD, YaffaIlyaguyeva and AmityTung, MD
- Results from a traumatic subluxation of the radial head, which is produced by sudden forcible traction on the pronated hand or wrist with the relaxed elbow extended
- Subluxation of the radial head only occurs in pronation when the anteroposterior (AP) plane of the radial head diameter is narrowest.
- As the radial head subluxes, there is an interposition of the annular ligament in the radiocapitellar joint resulting in entrapment.
- Synonym(s): pulled elbow; radiocapitellar subluxation; subluxation of the head of the radius; subluxation of the radius by elongation; temper tantrum elbow; Malgaigne injury
- One of the most common musculoskeletal injuries in children age 4 yr and under
- Uncommon in children >5 yr of age because the distal attachments of the orbicular ligament are sufficiently strong to prevent occurrence
- Peak incidence is from age of 1 to 3 yr old (1), with a predominance in females (2).
- Frequently, the traction force occurs when the child suddenly attempts to pull away from a parent or drops to the ground.
- Pulling a child as he or she stumbles, lifting him or her up by the hand, or swinging the child by the hand(s) can also generate sufficient traction force.
Schunk JE. Radial head subluxation: epidemiology and treatment of 87 episodes. Ann Emerg Med. 1990;19(9):10191023.