Author: AyoAdu, MD, CAQSM
- Traction apophysitis of the tibial tubercle at the insertion of the patellar tendon
- Overuse injury due to repetitive strain or microtrauma of the secondary ossification center of the tibial tubercle
- One of the most common causes of knee pain in active adolescents
- More prevalent in male gender
- Age of onset coincides with growth spurts, males age 10 to 15 yr, females age 8 to 13 yr.
Etiology and Pathophysiology
- Chronic repetitive strain and microtrauma cause chronic avulsion of the secondary ossification center (1).
- The force is increased after periods of rapid growth.
- Chronic avulsion may cause separation of the patellar tendon insertion from the tibial tubercle, swelling, and enlargement.
- Adolescents
- Male gender
- Sports that involve running and jumping
- Activities that involve direct contact with the knee (e.g., kneeling)
- Higher body weight
- Quadriceps muscle tightness (2)[B]
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