- Because of serious exfoliative dermatitis and erythema multiforme, trimethadione should be promptly withdrawn if skin rash appears. If minor acneiform or morbilliform rash appears it should be cleared completely before treatment with trimethadione is resumed. Cautiously reinstitute this therapy
- CBC test should be done before initiation of therapy and thereafter at monthly intervals. If marked depression in the blood count is observed promptly withdraw the therapy. Neutropenia have been reported with the use of this therapy. Do not withdraw the therapy unless the neutrophil count is 2500 or less. Conduct frequent blood examinations if count is less than 3,000. Blood dyscrasias, including leukopenia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, agranulocytosis, hypoplastic anemia, and fatal aplastic anemia, have been reported. Advise patient to report if signs and symptoms such as sore throat, fever, malaise, easy bruising, petechiae, or epistaxis, or others that may be indicative of an infection or bleeding tendency occurs. Avoid therapy in patients with severe blood dyscrasias
- Perform urinalysis before initiation of trimethadione and thereafter at monthly intervals. Fatal nephrosis has been occurred with trimethadione. Discontinue the treatment in case of persistent or increasing albuminuria, or renal abnormality
- Hemeralopia has been occurred with the use trimethadione and usually can be reversed by a reduction in dosage. Discontinue the treatment if scotomata occurs. Closely monitor treating patients who have diseases of the retina or optic nerve
- Manifestations of SLE and lymphadenopathies simulating malignant lymphoma have been reported with the use trimethadione; discontinue the drug if such events occur
- Myasthenia gravis-like syndrome has been occurred with the chronic use of trimethadione. Consider withdrawal of the drug if such syndrome are reported
- Antiepileptic drugs, including trimethadione, increase the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior. Monitor patients for the emergence or worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts or any unusual changes in behavior
Caution: Use cautiously in
- Renal impairment
- Hepatic impairment
- Suicidal tendencies
Pregnancy Category:D
Breastfeeding: Not recommended.