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Interacting Drugs


Antidiabetic Agents (CYP2C8 Substrates):



Gemfibrozil markedly increases plasma concentrations of repaglinide, probably through gemfibrozil-induced inhibition of CYP2C8 and probably UGT (the role of OATP1B1 is under investigation). Clopidogrel and deferasirox inhibit CYP2C8 and have also been shown to increase plasma concentrations of repaglinide about 5-fold and 2-fold respectively. Lapatinib is also a CYP2C8 inhibitor, and is likely to interact with these antidiabetic agents. These combinations would be expected to increase the risk of hypoglycemia. The inhibitory effect of gemfibrozil on repaglinide metabolism appears to last at least 12 hours, well after the gemfibrozil is largely eliminated. When a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor (itraconazole) was given in addition to gemfibrozil, plasma concentrations of repaglinide were increased almost 20-fold.

Class 2: Use only if benefit felt to outweigh risk