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Clinical Findings

Neuro: Anxiety from prospect of vomiting.

Resp: Coughing, risk for aspiration.

CV: Tachycardia, bradycardia.

Skin: Diaphoresis, pallor.

GI/GU: Sensation/urge to vomit, drooling, abdominal pain, decreased or high-pitched bowel sounds; small or large amounts of emesis.

MS: Weakness, fatigue.

Possible Causes: Gastroenteritis, appendicitis, bowel obstruction, other GI disorder, vascular headache, head injury, meningitis, other neurological cause, pregnancy, drug side effect, infection, pain, motion sickness, stress, chemotherapy.

Collaborative Management

common.gifCall for STAT 12-lead if associated with CP, SOB, slow, fast, or irregular HR.