Air Leak
Intermittent bubbling during expiration is normal. Continuous bubbling in water-seal chamber suggests an air leak.
- Clamp chest tube (order needed) using toothless clamps close to chest wall.
- If bubbling stops: Air leak is within Pt or at insertion site. Unclamp chest tube, reinforce insertion site with occlusive dressing, and notify HCP.
- If bubbling continues: Clamp chest tube (using second toothless clamp) at drainage unit.
- If bubbling stops, air leak is in tubing. Replace tubing.
- If bubbling continues, air leak is in drainage system. Replace system.
Disconnection in System
- While preparing to reattach tube/connections: (1) submerge distal end of tube under 1 to 2 in. of sterile water or normal saline, or (2) attach a one-way (Heimlich) valve.
- Clean exposed ends with Betadine swabs for 30 sec (air-dry for 30 sec). Reconnect and retape drainage system.
- Replace all contaminated connections, including new drainage system, as quickly as possible to prevent a pneumothorax.
Chest Tube Dislodgement
See Respiratory Problems and Disorders