Surgeon is solely responsible for obtaining informed consentnurses cannot obtain informed consent on behalf of an HCP performing a procedure, but they may witness the consent for the purpose of validating that Pt/guardian was observed signing/giving consent.
If any information needs to be edited, added, or deleted from original consent, a new consent must be created and reflected in PARQ.
Components of an Informed Consent
Consent should never contain abbreviations; all words spelled out.
- Facility where surgery being performed.
- Name of surgery (procedure*) with correct side (if applicable).
- Name of surgeon(s) performing surgery.
- Reason surgery will benefit* Pt.
- All alternative* options to surgery.
- Potential risks* of surgery including if surgery not performed.
- All Pt questions* about surgery answered
- Consent for anesthesia and blood products (some facilities may use separate form).
* PARQ Documentation
PARQ is a thorough conversation between Pt and Surgeon performing surgeryIt must either be part of consent form or documented in Pts medical record prior to signing consent; it consists of:
- PProcedure: Explanation of surgery and benefits of surgery.
- AAlternatives: Alternatives to surgery including not having surgery.
- RRisks: Potential risks of surgery including not having surgery.
- QQuestions: All Pts questions pertaining to surgery answered.
Inability to Consent
- Pts Who Are Cognitively Impaired: A medical power of attorney (MPA) must be established for consent purposes.
- Pts Who Are Cognitively Aware but Unable to Physically Sign: An X is acceptable but requires two witnesses.
- Deaf Pt or One Who Only Speaks Another Language: Certified medical interpreter must be usedfamily members cannot be used for medical interpretationuse of an anonymous interpreter avoids bias that may occur when family members interpret.
- Emergency Situations (no MPA or next of kin available in person or by phone): Pts verbal consent is acceptable, but written consent should be obtained ASAP following surgery. If Pt incapable of giving consent, two providers must document need for surgery.
- Minors: Need consent from a legal guardian. Local/state law may define age of consent as low as 15 yrsrefer to facility policy.
- Other Situations: May require special permits done well before surgery (e.g., sterilization) where Pt must sign a unique consent 4 to 6 weeks prior to surgery (requirement may vary between states).