Gravida = number of pregnancies, including present one
Term = total number of infants born at term, or at 37 or more weeks
Preterm = total number of infants born before 37 weeks
Abortions = total number of spontaneous or induced abortions
Living = total number of children still living
Assessing gestational age
Nägele's rule: First day of last menses minus () 3 months plus (+) 7 days = estimated date of delivery
Danger signs of pregnancy
- Severe vomiting
- Frequent, severe headaches
- Epigastric pain
- Fluid discharge from vagina
- Fetal movement changes or cessation after quickening
- Swelling of fingers or face
- Vision disturbances
- Signs of vaginal or urinary tract infections
- Unusual or severe abdominal pain
- Seizures or muscular irritability
- Preterm signs of labor, such as rhythmic contractions