The mnemonic devices shown below can remind you what questions to ask the patient as part of the secondary assessment.
Subjective data
PQRSTT mnemonic
- P Provocative/Palliative: What provokes the symptom? What makes it better?
- Q Quality/Quantity: What does it feel like? (Use patient's own words.)
- R Region/Radiation: Where is it? Where does it radiate?
- S Severity: Rate its severity on a scale of 1 to 10.
- T Timing: How long have you had it? Has it happened before?
- T Treatment: What treatment worked before arrival in ED?
OLD CART mnemonic
- O Onset of symptom
- L Location of problem
- D Duration of symptom
- C Characteristics of symptom (as described by patient)
- A Aggravating factors
- R Relieving factors
- T Treatment before arrival in ED
Objective data
SAMPLE mnemonic
- S Signs and symptoms
- A Allergies (if any, as well as reactions)
- M Medications (including OTC, herbs, vitamins) and last dose
- P Past medical and surgical history
- L Last meal
- E Events leading to injury
Other information to include
- Immunization history (if child) or last tetanus toxoid shot (if adult)
- Primary care physician
- Height and weight
- Date of last menstrual period (if female)
- Method of arrival in ED