Inability to breathe comfortably
- Describes a symptom of many possible underlying diseases
- Is different from signs of increased work of breathing
- Usually an unconscious activity, dyspnea is the subjective sensation of breathing, from mild discomfort to feelings of suffocation.
- Dyspnea comes from the Greek word for "hard breathing."
- Often described as "shortness of breath"
- Common presenting complaint seen in 3.5% of ED visits
- Caused by difficulties in maintaining homeostasis with respect to gas exchange and acidbase status
- Dyspnea usually reflects an impairment in ventilation, perfusion, metabolic function, or CNS drive.
- Mechanisms that control breathing:
- Control centers:
- Brainstem and cerebral cortex affect both automatic and voluntary control of breathing.
- Chemo, stretch, and irritant sensors:
- CO2 receptors located centrally and PO2 receptors located peripherally.
- Mechanoreceptors lie in respiratory muscles and respond to stretch.
- Intrapulmonary mechanoreceptors respond to chemical irritation, engorgement, and stretch.
- Effectors of respiratory center output are in the respiratory muscles and respond to central stimulation to move air in and out of the thoracic cavity.
- Motorsensory control of the diaphragm and muscles of respiration are controlled by C3C8 nerves and T1T12 nerves.
- Derangements of any of these neurosensory pathways produces dyspnea:
- Many etiologies for the sensation of dyspnea are due to the complex nature of mechanisms that control breathing.
- Upper airway:
- Pulmonary:
- Cardiovascular:
- Neuromuscular:
- CNS disorders
- Myopathy and neuropathy
- Phrenic nerve and diaphragmatic disorders
- Spinal cord disorders
- Systemic neuromuscular disorders
- Metabolic acidosis:
- Toxic:
- Abdominal compression:
- Psychogenic:
- Other:
Geriatric Considerations
- Most common diagnoses in elderly patients presenting to the ED with dyspnea:
Pediatric Considerations
- Common conditions in differential diagnosis for age < 2 yr:
- Difficult, labored, or uncomfortable breathing
- Upper airway:
- Pulmonary:
- Tachypnea
- Accessory muscle use
- Wheezing
- Rales
- Asymmetric breath sounds
- Poor air movement
- Prolonged expiratory phase
- Cardiovascular:
- S3 gallop
- Murmur
- Jugular venous distention
- CNS:
- Altered levels of consciousness
- General:
- Previous history of dyspnea
- Time course, abruptness of onset, triggers, and severity
- History of stridor or wheezing
- Exercise (activity) tolerance
- Medications and recent compliance
- Exposure to allergens
- Past medical history
- Associated symptoms:
Physical Exam
- Signs of acute distress:
- Listen for abnormal lung sounds:
- Stridor
- Rales
- Wheezing
- Decreased breath sounds
- Pulse oximetry:
- May be falsely elevated due to increased ventilation or carbon monoxide
- End tidal CO2:
- Quickly gives hint of PaCO2
- Waveform can give clue to etiology
- CXR:
- For diagnosis of pulmonary conditions
- Assess heart size and evidence of CHF
- ABG:
- Oxygenation
- Calculate arterialalveolar gradient:
- Aa (at sea level) = 150 (PO2 PCO2)/0.8, normal 520
- Assess degree of acidosis
- CBC:
- Evaluation for anemia
- Neutrophil count helpful in evaluation of infectious processes
- Electrolyte, BUN, creatinine, glucose:
- Consider when specific metabolic derangements are suspected
- B-type natriuretic peptide may be elevated in CHF
- Toxicology screen
- Methemoglobin/carboxyhemoglobin level
- Thyroid function tests
- D-dimer (ELISA):
- Useful for excluding pulmonary embolus if normal
- Chest x-ray for infiltrate, effusion, pneumothorax, or vascular consolidation
- Ventilationperfusion scan or CT pulmonary angiogram for suspected pulmonary embolism
- Soft tissue neck radiograph or fiberoptic visualization for suspected upper airway obstruction
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
- Anticholinergic or adrenergic toxidrome
- Thyroid storm
- Munchausen syndrome
- Place all patients on supplemental oxygen, pulse oximetry, end tidal CO2, and cardiac monitor.
- Initiate therapy for suspected cause of dyspnea when indicated:
- Utilize advanced airways in the face of impending respiratory failure.
- ABCs
- Immediate intubation for impending respiratory arrest:
- Altered mental status
- Unstable vital signs
- BiPAP in alert patients:
- Based on underlying etiology
- Antibiotics and fluid for pneumonia
- CPAP and diuretics for CHF
- Bronchodilators and steroids for asthma
- Aspirin, heparin, and lyrics/cath lab for MI
- Other treatments as necessary for other etiologies
- Palliative care with opiates is indicated for the relief of dyspnea in terminally ill patients.
Admission Criteria
- Assisted ventilation
- Hypoxia
- Aa gradient > 40
- Medical condition requiring hospital therapy
Discharge Criteria
- Adequate oxygenation
- Stable medical illness that can be managed as outpatient
- Adequate ambulatory pulse ox
Issues for Referral
Based on suspected underlying etiology
- Patients should be told not to smoke while short of breath and to try to quit to help with some of the causes, as well as to prevent others from getting worse.
- The patient should return for any of the following problems:
- No improvement or worsening in 24 hr
- New chest pain, pressure, squeezing, or tightness
- Shaking chills, or a fever > 102°F
- New or worsening cough or wheezing
- Abdominal (belly) pain, vomiting, severe headache
- Dizziness, confusion, or change in behavior
- Any serious change in symptoms, or any new symptoms that are of concern
- Camargo CA Jr, Rachelefsky G, Schatz M. Managing asthma exacerbations in the emergency department: Summary of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Expert Panel Report 3 guidelines for the management of asthma exacerbations. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009;124(2 suppl):S5S14.
- De Peuter S, Van Diest I, Lemaigre V, et al. Dyspnea: The role of psychological processes. Clin Psychol Rev. 2004;24(5):557581.
- Mahler DA, Selecky PA, Harrod CG, et al. American College of Chest Physicians consensus statement on the management of dyspnea in patients with advanced lung or heart disease. Chest. 2010;137(3):674691.
- Stenton C. The MRC breathlessness scale. Occup Med (Lond). 2008;58:226227.
- Weintraub NL, Collins SP, Pang PS, et al., Acute heart failure syndromes: Emergency department presentation, treatment, and disposition: Current approaches and future aims: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2010;122:19751996.
See Also (Topic, Algorithm, Electronic Media Element)
Respiratory Distress