Sensation of motion, spinning, disorientation in space, or disequilibrium
- Does true vertigo exist?
- Timing of onset:
- Gradual (hoursdays): Probably neuritis
- Sudden and fixed symptoms (secondsminutes) consider stroke (but see BPPV below)
- Multiple prodromal episodes in months, especially weeks prior (TIAs): Stroke more likely
- Repeated intense episodes provoked/exacerbated by head movements: BPPV more likely but could be TIA
- Episodic attacks with auditory symptoms: Consider Ménière
- Stroke risk factors including age > 50 and vascular risks
- Severity of symptoms: Imbalance out of proportion to vertigo, consider stroke
- Modifiers: Head movement, BPPV more likely
- Associated symptoms:
- Hearing loss (new unilateral): Labyrinthitis, Ménière (with tinnitus), rarely, but possibly stroke
- Neurologic symptoms (central cause):
- Unilateral limb weakness
- Dysarthria
- Headache
- Ataxia
- Numbness of the face
- Hemiparesis, headache
- Diplopia/visual disturbances
- Has there been head or neck trauma?
- Past medical history/ROS:
- Medication history
Physical Exam
- Extraocular movements:
- Nystagmus (direction defined by fast component)
- Unilateral, horizontal, some rotational component in (unilateral) APV, worse with gaze in the direction of nystagmus (fast away from lesion, linear slow phase)
- Worse with occlusive ophthalmoscopy (cover 1 eye, examine optic disc with ophthalmoscope): APV more likely
- Bilateral direction suggests central etiology, as does pure vertical or torsional nystagmus. If direction changes with gaze, central cause.
- Head impulse test (HIT) for unilateral vestibular loss (smartphone with slow motion video app promising aide for such testing):
- Face patient, grasp head with both hands
- Patient to look at your nose (or camera)
- Rapidly rotate head 1020° then back to midline:
- Normal: Maintains gaze
- Abnormal: Lag in maintaining gaze and corrective saccade back to nose/camera
- Rotation to left, tests left vestibular apparatus
- Skew deviation testing (predicts central pathology):
- Face patient
- Patient to look at your nose
- Alternately cover each eye
- Normal: Eyes motionless
- Abnormal: Refixation saccade after uncovered, (refixation upward, ipsilateral medullary stroke, refixation downward, contralateral stroke)
- DixHallpike test for posterior canal BPPV
- Supine Roll test for lateral canal BPPV
- Auscultation of the carotid and vertebral arteries for bruits
- Pulses and pressures in both arms
- Inspection of the ears:
- Evaluation of hearing (Weber and Rinne tests)
- Ocular assessment (pupils, fundi, visual acuity, nystagmus)
- Cardiac auscultation
- Full neurologic exam, common stroke findings:
- Unilateral limb weakness
- Gait ataxia
- Unilateral limb ataxia and/or sensory deficit
- Dysarthria
- Ask patient to describe the sensation without using the word "dizzy."
- Determine whether the cause is a peripheral or a central process using patient's clinical presentation (see above).
Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, glucose
- EKG for any suspicion of cardiac etiology
- Head CT/MRI for evaluation of suspected tumor, or post-traumatic cause
- MRI/MRA for suspected vertebrobasilar insufficiency (CT poor sensitivity)
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
Audiology or electronystagmography often helpful in outpatient follow-up
More likely other cause when "dizziness" actually is lightheadedness or malaise:
Treatment and medication per EMS protocol based on symptoms
- IV access for dehydration/vomiting
- Monitor
- Trauma evaluations as indicated
- Finger-stick blood glucose
- Based on accurate diagnosis:
- Central etiologies require more aggressive workup than peripheral.
- Neurosurgical intervention for cerebellar bleed
- Symptomatic treatment for peripheral vertigo with appropriate follow-up
- Administer medication to control vertiginous symptoms and/or nausea:
- Antihistamines
- Benzodiazepines
- Antiemetics
- Initiate IV antibiotics for acute bacterial labyrinthitis (rare).
- Repositioning maneuvers such as Epley and Semont for posterior BPPV. Roll or Lempert maneuver for lateral BPPV
Admission Criteria
- Cerebellar infarct/hemorrhage
- Vertebrobasilar insufficiency
- Acute suppurative labyrinthitis
- Intractable nausea/vomiting
- Inability to ambulate
Discharge Criteria
Patient with peripheral etiology and stable
Issues for Referral
Otolaryngology follow-up for suspected acoustic neuroma or perilymphatic fistula
- Primary care, neurology, or otolaryngology follow-up for all
- Epley and Semont maneuvers are extremely effective in treating BPPV.
- Bhattacharyya N, Baugh RF, Orvidas L, et al. Clinical practice guideline: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008;139:S47S81.
- Chawla N, Olshaker JS. Diagnosis and management of dizziness and vertigo. Med Clin North Am. 2006;90(2):291304.
- Kattah JC, Talkad AV, Wang DZ, et al. HINTS to diagnose stroke in the acute vestibular syndrome: Three-step oculomotor examination more sensitive than early MRI diffusion-weighted imaging. Stroke. 2009;40:35043510.
- Kerber KA. Vertigo and dizziness in the emergency department. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2009;27(1):3950.
- Olshaker S. Vertigo. In: Marx J, et al., eds. Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. St. Louis, MO: CV Mosby; 2010:93100.
See Also (Topic, Algorithm, Electronic Media Element)