- Primarily a clinical diagnosis
- Measure and follow severity with peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)
- Assess for underlying disease
- Arterial blood gas:
- Not helpful during the initial evaluation
- The decision to intubate should be based on clinical criteria.
- Mildmoderate asthma: Respiratory alkalosis
- Severe airflow obstruction and fatigue: Respiratory acidosis and PaCO2 > 42
- Pulse oximetry:
- < 90% is indicative of severe respiratory distress.
- Patients with impending respiratory compromise may still maintain saturation above 90% until sudden collapse.
- WBC:
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
- Estimates the degree of airflow obstruction:
- Normal peak flow (adult) is 400600.
- 100300 indicates moderate airway obstruction.
- < 100 is indicative of severe airway obstruction.
- Use serially as an objective measure of the response to therapy
- Forced expiratory volume (FEV):
- More reliable measure of lung function than PEFR
- Difficult to use as a screening tool
- Often unavailable in the ED
- Severe airway obstruction: FEV1 < 3050%
- CXR:
- Indications:
- Fever
- Suspicion of pneumonia
- Suspicion of pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum
- Foreign body aspiration
- 1st episode of asthma
- Comorbid illness: For example: Diabetes, renal failure, CHF, AIDS, cancer
- Not responding to treatment
- Typical findings:
- ECG:
- Indicated in patients at risk for cardiac disease:
- Transient changes in severe asthma:
- Recognize the "quiet chest" as respiratory distress.
- Supplemental oxygen
- Continuous nebulized β-agonist
- Administration of IM/SC epinephrine
- Immediate initiation of inhaled β-agonist treatment
- Intubate for fatigue and respiratory distress.
- Steroids
- Oxygen:
- Maintain an oxygen saturation > 90%
- β-adrenergic agonist:
- Selective β2-agonists (albuterol)
- Mildmoderate asthmatic: Administer every 20 min
- Severe asthmatic: Continuous nebulized treatment
- SC β-agonist (terbutaline and epinephrine):
- Severe exacerbations
- Limited inhalation of aerosolized medicine
- More side effects because of systemic absorption
- Terbutalinelonger acting β-2 agonist with bronchodilating effects equivalent to epinephrine in acute asthma.
- Relative contraindication: Age > 40 yr and coronary disease
- Corticosteroids:
- Reduce airway wall inflammation
- Administered early
- Onset of action may take 46 hr
- Administer IV or PO
- IV Solu-Medrol in the treatment of severe asthma exacerbation
- Mildmoderate exacerbations may be treated with oral prednisone burst or Depo-Medrol IM
- Inhaled corticosteroids are currently not recommended as initial therapy.
- Anticholinergic agents:
- If minimal response to initial β-agonist treatment
- Severe airflow obstruction
- Inhaled anticholinergic agents should be used in conjunction with β-agonists.
- Magnesium sulfate:
- No benefit in mildmoderate asthma
- May have a benefit in severe asthma
- Aminophylline:
- Rare utility in acute management
- Leukotriene inhibitors:
- Not currently recommended for acute exacerbation
- Heliox:
- Mixture of helium and oxygen (80:20, 70:30, 60:40)
- Less dense than air
- Decrease airway resistance.
- Decrease in respiratory exhaustion
- Not currently recommended for routine use
- Consider in severe asthma
- Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation:
- CPAP and BiPAP
- May improve oxygenation and decrease respiratory fatigue
- Can only be used in an alert patient
- Should not replace intubation
- Not currently recommended for routine use
- Consider in severe asthma
- Ketamine:
- Bronchodilator and an anesthetic agent
- Useful as an induction agent during intubation
- Contraindications:
- Coronary disease
- Preeclampsia
- Increased intracranial pressure
- Halothane:
- Inhalation anesthetics are potent bronchodilators.
- Refractory asthma in intubated patients
- Intubation of the asthmatic patient:
- Rapid sequence intubation
- Lidocaine to attenuate airway reflexes
- Etomidate or ketamine as an induction agent
- Succinylcholine should be administered to achieve paralysis.
- A large endotracheal tube > 7 mm should be used to facilitate ventilation.
- May need to mechanically exhale for the patient
- Permissive hypercapnia
- β-agonists
- Albuterol: 2.5 mg in 2.5 mL NS q20min inhaled (peds: 0.10.15 mg/kg/dose q20min [min. dose 1.25 mg])
- Epinephrine: Adult: 0.3 mg (1:1,000) SC q0.5hq4h × 3 doses (peds: 0.01 mg/kg up to 0.3 mg SC)
- Terbutaline: 0.25 mg SC q0.5h × 2 doses (peds: 0.01 mg/kg up to 0.3 mg SC)
- Corticosteroids:
- Methylprednisolone: 60125 mg IV (peds: 12 mg/kg/dose IV or PO q6h × 24 h)
- Prednisone: 4060 mg PO (peds: 12 mg/kg/d in single or divided doses)
- Depo-Medrol 160 mg IM
- Anticholinergics
- Magnesium: 2 g IV over 20 min (peds: 2575 mg/kg)
- Aminophylline: 0.6 mg/kg/h IV infusion
- Rapid sequence intubation:
- Etomidate: 0.3 mg/kg IV, or ketamine: 11.5 mg/kg IV
- Lidocaine: 11.5 mg/kg IV
- Succinylcholine: 1.5 mg/kg IV
Admission Criteria
Medical Wards
- PEFR < 40% and minimal air movement
- Persistent respiratory distress:
- Factors that should favor admission:
- Prior intubation
- Recent ED visit
- Multiple ED visits or hospitalizations
- Symptoms for more than 1 wk
- Failure of outpatient therapy
- Use of steroids
- Inadequate follow-up mechanisms
- Psychiatric illness
Observation Unit
- PEFR > 40% but < 70% of predicted
- Patients without subjective improvement
- Patients with continued wheeze and diminished air movement
- Patients with moderate response to therapy and no respiratory distress
Discharge Criteria
- PEFR > 70% should be > 300
- Patient reports subjective improvement
- Clear lungs with good air movement
- Adequate follow-up within 4872 hr
Encourage patients to contact their PMD or pulmonologist for asthma related problems over the next 35 days.