- Amanitin/phalloidin:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Abdominal cramps
- Bloody diarrhea
- Clinical course:
- Onset of symptoms delayed 636 hr with development of GI symptoms
- Transient latent phase may last 2 days (no pain/symptoms)
- Can progress to hepatic or renal failure and death in 26 days
- Most lethal mushroom toxins
- Gyromitrin:
- 1st 510 hr:
- Later symptoms:
- Muscarine:
- Cholinergic symptoms include:
- Miosis
- Salivation
- Lacrimation
- Sweating
- Diarrhea
- Flushed skin
- Nausea
- Bradycardia
- Bronchoconstriction
- Onset usually within 1 hr (may be delayed)
- Coprine:
- Disulfiram-like reaction within minutes to hours when combined with alcohol:
- Ibotenic acid/muscimol:
- Relatively rapid onset of 30120 min
- GABA agonist effects include:
- Glutamatergic effects (mainly pediatrics):
- Seizures
- Muscle cramps/myoclonic movements
- Psilocin/psilocybin:
- Rapid onset, usually resolves in 612 hr
- Visual hallucinations
- Alteration of perception
- Mydriasis
- Tachycardia
- Fever and seizures in children
- Gastric irritants:
- Group of toxins that cause nausea, vomiting, intestinal cramps, and watery diarrhea
- Onset 30 min to 3 hr, usually resolved in 612 hr
- Orellanine/Amanita smithiana:
- T. equestre:
- Time of ingestion
- Time of symptom onset
- Quantity ingested
- Preparation: Raw or cooked
- Picked in the wild or store-bought
- Coingestants, other mushrooms
- Alcohol/drug use history
- Symptoms of family members, friends
Physical Exam
- Vital signs
- Changes in mental status
- Pupillary response
- Cardiopulmonary exam
- Abdominal exam
- Neurologic exam
- Mushroom description:
- Pileus (cap); margin shape
- Stipe (stem)
- Lamellae (gills)
- Veil
- Annulus (ring)
- Volva
- Store mushroom in brown paper bag for future identification:
- < 3% of cases result in an exact mushroom identification.
- Digital photography and electronic image transfer to poison control center or regional mycologist
- Prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
- Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, glucose
- Urinalysis
- LFTs, creatine phosphokinase (CPK)
- Imaging
- Spore print: Mycologist needed for specific genus/species interpretation
- Very broad differential
- Gastroenteritis
- Hepatitis/acetaminophen hepatotoxicity
- Acute renal failure (many causes)
- Rhabdomyolysis (many causes)
- Cholinergic syndrome (e.g., organophosphates)
- Anticholinergic syndrome
- Seizures (many causes)
Bring any unconsumed mushrooms or mushroom pieces to hospital to aid in diagnosis:
- Refrigerate specimens if possible, place in brown paper bag.
- ABCs
- Establish IV 0.9% NS saline
- Monitor
- Naloxone, D50W (or Accu-Chek), and thiamine for altered mental status
General Measures
- Decontamination:
- Activated charcoal (50100 g)
- Gastric decontamination if early after ingestion and patient:
- Has not yet vomited.
- Has normal mental and respiratory status
- Is not undergoing hallucinations
- Fluid rehydration and electrolyte replacement as necessary
- Call local poison control center at 800-222-1222 and request mycologistdigital picture may be electronically sent for identification.
- Obtain specimens (vomitus if needed) for identification.
Mushroom-specific Therapy
- Amanitin/phalloidin:
- Administer activated charcoal PO q24h.
- Hypoglycemia and elevated PT:
- Signs of liver failure
- Administer fresh-frozen plasma and vitamin K for coagulation disorders with active bleeding.
- Administer calcium in presence of hypocalcemia.
- Liver transplant for severe hepatic necrosis
- Consider N-acetylcysteine, high-dose penicillin G, or silibinin if available (thioctic acid controversial)
- Gyromitrin:
- Treat seizure with benzodiazepines.
- Administer pyridoxine (vitamin B6) in severely symptomatic patients.
- Treat liver dysfunctions as outlined for amanitin/phalloidin group.
- Dialysis for renal failure
- Muscarine:
- Coprine:
- Self-limited toxicitysupportive care
- Avoid syrup of ipecac (contains alcohol)
- β-Blockers for cardiac dysrhythmias
- Ibotenic acid/muscimol:
- Usually self-limited toxicity
- Provide supportive care
- Monitor for hypotension
- Treat moderate symptoms with benzodiazepines, if severe anticholinergic symptoms; consider physostigmine.
- Psilocin/psilocybin:
- Self-limited toxicity
- Dark, quiet room and reassurance
- Benzodiazepines for agitation
- External cooling measures if needed in children
- GI Irritants:
- When poisoning from above groups not suspected, administer fluids and antiemetics.
- Provide supportive care
- Orellanine and A. smithiana:
- Closely monitor BUN, creatinine, electrolytes, and urine output.
- Forced diuresis with Lasix contraindicated
- Diuresis with alkalinization of urine with NaHCO3 if signs of rhabdomyolysis
- Hemodialysis/renal transplantation may be needed.
- T. equestre ("man on horse"):
- Fluid hydration
- Check and follow CPK.
- Monitor urine output.
- Activated charcoal slurry: 12 g/kg up to 100 g PO
- Atropine: 0.5 mg (peds: 0.02 mg/kg) IV; repeat 0.51 mg IV (peds: 0.04 mg/kg) q10min if secretions recur, to max. 1 mg/kg in children and 2 mg/kg in adults
- Dextrose: D50W 1 amp: 50 mL or 25 g (peds: D25W 24 mL/kg) IV
- Diazepam (benzodiazepine): 510 mg (peds: 0.20.5 mg/kg) IV
- Lorazepam (benzodiazepine): 26 mg (peds: 0.030.05 mg/kg) IV
- Naloxone (Narcan): 2 mg (peds: 0.1 mg/kg) IV or IM initial dose
- Physostigmine: 0.52 mg IM or IV in adults
- Propranolol: 1 mg (peds: 0.010.1 mg/kg) IV
- Pyridoxine: 25 mg/kg IV over 30 min
- Thiamine (vitamin B1): 100 mg (peds: 50 mg) IV or IM
Admission Criteria
- All symptomatic patients:
- Protracted vomiting, dehydration, liver or renal toxicity, or seizures
- Transfer to tertiary medical center for early signs of renal or hepatic failure.
- Symptomatic infants and young children found with mushrooms:
- ICU admission for known ingestion of an amanitin-containing mushroom:
- Early liver service consultation
Discharge Criteria
Asymptomatic during 68 hr with 24 hr of close home observation and close follow-up (if reliable caregivers)
Issues for Referral
Potential liver or renal transplantation
Drug detoxification programs if chronic recreational use
988.1 Toxic effect of mushrooms eaten as food
T62.0X1A Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, accidental, init