- Pain
- Nature of onset of pain
- Time of onset and duration of pain
- Location of pain initially and at presentation
- Extra-abdominal radiations
- Quality of pain (sharp, dull, crampy)
- Aggravating or alleviating factors
- Relation of associated finding to pain onset
- Anorexia
- Nausea
- Vomiting (bilious, coffee-ground emesis)
- Malaise
- Fainting or syncope
- Cough, dyspnea, or respiratory symptoms
- Change in stool characteristics (e.g., melena)
- Hematuria
- Changes in bowel or urinary habits
- History of trauma or visceral obstruction
- Gynecologic and obstetric history
- Postoperative (e.g., cause ileus)
- Family history (e.g., familial aortic aneurysm)
- Alcohol use and quantity
- Medications: (e.g., aspirin and NSAIDs)
Physical Exam
- General:
- Anorexia
- Tachycardia
- Tachypnea
- Hypotension
- Fever
- Yellow sclera (icterus)
- Distal pulses and pulse amplitudes between lower and upper extremities
- Abdominal:
- Distended abdomen
- Abnormal bowel sounds:
- Pulsatile abdominal mass
- Rebound tenderness, guarding, and cough test for peritoneal irritation (e.g., appendicitis, peritonitis)
- Rovsing sign, suggestive of appendicitis:
- Palpation of left lower quadrant causes pain in right lower quadrant (RLQ).
- Psoas sign suggests appendicitis (on right)
- Pain on extension of thigh
- Obturator sign suggests pelvic appendicitis (on the right only)
- Pain on rotation of the flexed thigh, especially internal rotation
- McBurney point tenderness associated with appendicitis:
- Palpation in RLQ 2/3 distance between umbilicus and right anterior superior iliac crest causes pain.
- Murphy sign, suggestive of cholecystitis:
- Pause in inspiration while examiner is palpating under liver
- Carnett sign indicates abdominal wall pain
- Pain when a supine patient tenses the abdominal wall by lifting the head and shoulders.
- Tender or discolored hernia site
- Rectal and pelvic examination:
- Tenderness with pelvic peritoneal irritation
- Cervical motion tenderness
- Adnexal masses
- Rectal mass or tenderness
- Guaiac positive stool
- Genitourinary:
- Flank pain
- Dysuria
- Costovertebral angle tenderness
- Suprapubic tenderness
- Tender adnexal mass on pelvis
- Testicular pain:
- May be referred from renal or appendiceal pathology
- Referred pain:
- Extremities:
- Pulse deficit or unequal femoral pulses
- Skin:
- For a woman in reproductive age group a pregnancy test is essential
- Where applicable for majority of cases, ultrasonography should be done with CT used in cases of negative or inconclusive ultrasonography.
- Serum electrolytes, creatinine, and glucose
- LFTs
- Lactic acid
- Serum lipase:
- More sensitive and specific than amylase
- Urinalysis
- Stool analysis and culture
- Pregnancy testing (age reproductive women)
- EKG:
- Abdominal radiograph: Supine and upright
- CT is superior for suspected visceral perforation and bowel obstruction.
- Upright CXR:
- Pneumoperitoneum
- Intrathoracic disease causing referred abdominal pain
- US:
- US (Doppler ultrasonography)
- Abdominal CT:
- Spiral CT without contrast:
- CT with intravenous contrast only:
- Vascular rupture suspected in a stable patient (e.g., acute abdominal aortic aneurtsn [AAA], aortic dissection)
- Ischemic bowel
- Pancreatitis
- CT with IV and oral contrast:
- CT angiography:
- IVP:
- CT has replaced the use of intravenous urography in detection of ureteral stones
- Barium enema:
- Intussusception
- Treatment and confirmation of intussusception is with air contrast enema.
- MRI:
- If concerns for radiation exposure or nephrotoxicity
- Contraindicated in patients with metallic implants
Pregnancy Considerations
Ultrasonography and MRI should be preferred to prevent exposure of ionizing radiation to the fetus.
Pediatric Considerations
- Under 2 yr:
- 25 yr:
- Appendicitis
- Incarcerated hernia
- Meckel diverticulitis
- Sickle cell crisis
- Constipation
Admission Criteria
- Surgical intervention
- Peritoneal signs
- Patient unable to keep down fluids
- Lack of pain control
- Medical cause necessitating in-house treatment (MI, DKA)
- IV antibiotics needed
Discharge Criteria
No surgical or severe medical etiology found in patient who is able to keep fluid down, has good pain control, and is able to follow detailed discharge instructions
The patient should return with any warning signs:
- Vomiting
- Blood or dark/black material in vomit or stools
- Yellow skin or in the whites of the eyes
- No improvement or worsening of pain within 812 hr
- Shaking chills, or a fever > 100.4°F (38°C)