Katharine Y.Joo
Elizabeth R.Dunn
- EDs and waiting rooms are areas of high prevalence for violence, ranging from verbal assaults to active shooter incidents
- Higher risk associated with busier EDs (>260,000 patient visits/year) and urban trauma centers
- Nurses at highest risk of experiencing violence in the ED
- Violent individuals may be a family member, friend, or visitor rather than the patient
- Violence may not only be directed toward a health care worker, but also toward the patient or visitor
- Risk factors for physical violence in the ED are not well characterized
- Pathogenesis not well understood but typically multifactorial
- Acute psychiatric problem:
- Most commonly psychosis or mania
- Chronic psychiatric problem:
- Cluster B personality disorders: Antisocial, narcissistic, borderline
- Substance intoxication and withdrawal
- Acute primary medical problem:
- Infectious
- Metabolic
- Toxicologic
- Neurologic
- Chronic primary medical problem:
- Dementia
- Intellectual disability
- Traumatic brain injury
- Psychopathy or criminal behavior
Signs and Symptoms
- General risk factors for violence:
- Prior history of violence OR being a victim of violence/abuse
- Substance abuse history/intoxication
- Poor impulse control
- Low educational attainment
- Unemployment
- Limited social support
- Male gender
- Age <35 yr old
- Gang involvement
- Antisocial personality disorder or psychopathy
- Active, untreated mania/psychosis + anger
- Warning signs of imminent violence risk:
- Staring, aggressive eye contact OR avoidance of eye contact
- Physical agitation or tension (pacing, clenching fists, darting eyes)
- Abusive or provocative language OR refusal to talk
- Making unreasonable demand s and unable to respond to limit setting
- Ignoring physical environmental or personal boundaries
- Risk assessment/past history:
- History of violent behavior
- History of self-injurious behavior
- Medical and psychiatric histories
- Substance use history
- Legal or criminal history
- Current HPI:
- Ask routine questions eliciting medical causes of altered mental status and /or agitation
- Inquire about recent substance use
- Assess for presence of paranoia and /or persecutory delusions
- Assess for homicidal ideation or intense anger towards a specific individual
Physical Exam
- Exam signs suggesting a medical cause for the mental status change:
- Abnormal vital signs
- Focal neurologic findings
- Seizure activity
- Speech or gait deficits without evidence of alcohol or substance abuse
Essential Workup
- Identify early warning signs and risk factors
- Pay careful attention to findings during neurologic and mental status exams and note vital signs
- If required for safety, workup may be performed with the patient in restraints
Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation
- Follow clinical indicators for further testing, but if planning a psychiatric admission, labs, and /or imaging may be helpful
- Basic labs and ECG may be useful in assessing and monitoring risks associated with chemical restraint use
- Order clinically indicated labs for delirium/altered mental status if medical cause is suspected
- Drug screen if ingestion or substance use suspected
CT head if bleed or stroke suspected
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
Obtain ECG if chemical restraint use is likely
- If there are deadly weapons involved, initiate local protocol for police/security involvement
- Medical workup and treatment is important, but in an emergency you may first need to restrain potentially violent patients to reduce risk of harm to self or others
- Physically restrain violent patients and seek police assistance if necessary
- Notify receiving hospital if transporting a violent patient
- Keep weapons and dangerous items (sharp objects, medications, cords, etc.) out of the patient's reach
Initial Stabilization/Therapy
- Environmental modifications:
- Continue to keep dangerous items out of the patient's reach; consider breakaway ID cords
- Control access to ED: Secured doors, limited, and monitored entrances (e.g., CCTV)
- Consider use of metal detectors, automatic lockdown systems, glass partitions around central staff areas
- Visible security staff
- Visibly posted signs stating weapons are not allowed and a no tolerance policy for violent behavior
- Exam room exits clear of obstruction
- Procedural modifications:
- Online alerts for patients with past history of violence in ED
- Identify and flag high-risk patients at triage
- Search/disrobe patients after triage; if imminent risk and involuntary, ensure careful documentation of reasons in terms of risk to patient and providers
- Train all clinical staff to recognize and manage potentially violent situations
- Clear ED protocols for managing violence and documenting interventions
- Consider utilizing designated crisis management team
- Installed panic buttons or code phrase to instruct others to call for security
- Direct telephone line to police or security
- Reduce ED wait times
- Address comfort and pain needs expeditiously
- Approaching the potentially violent patient:
- Ensure that you are within sight of other staff/security
- Maintain open exit for both patient and staff
- Remove your own personal articles that could be used as weapons (neckties, jewelry, trauma shears, etc.)
- Keep 2 arms' lengths between you and patient; maintain an open stance
- Introduce yourself and address the patient's concerns as soon as possible
- Leave immediately and initiate seclusion or restraint if there is an open threat of violence or imminent violence seems likely
ED Treatment/Procedures
- Follow trauma-informed care principles as feasible
- Environmental modification:
- Move patient to a calm, quiet, but nonisolated setting
- If possible, room should not contain items easily thrown or used as weapons (e.g., chair, IV pole)
- Verbal de-escalation:
- Best to use one point person with the best rapport to communicate with patient
- If unable to maintain calm demeanor with patient, defer to another team member
- Attempt to clarify and validate patient's immediate concerns
- Address violent behavior or escalation in a direct but nonconfrontational manner
- Always take patient threats seriously
- Avoid lying (even to placate), interrupting, or criticizing the patient
- Calmly explain potential need for a restraint if de-escalation is not successful
- Offer patient choice of possible interventions (e.g., PO vs. IM medication, type of antipsychotic) but only after the patient has had opportunity to express their needs
- If patient is cognitively impaired, delirious, or psychotic, verbal de-escalation may be less successful
- Seclusion:
- If an appropriate room is available, this may obviate the need for restraint
- Physical restraint:
- Follow your institutional protocol; document appropriate reason for restraint, attempts to verbally de-escalate, and plans for appropriate monitoring and reassessments
- Note that coercive interventions in some instances may escalate violent behavior
- Whenever possible, treating physician should not be part of restraint team
- Supine position if patient needs to be examined; side position if aspiration risk is significant
- If restraint in prone position is needed, ensure adequate airway is maintained
- In rare cases when violent patient is pregnant and requires physical restraint, use left lateral position
- Chemical restraint:
- Offer voluntary PO/IM sedative medication prior to initiating involuntary restraint
- Avoid PO medications for involuntary restraint due to bite risk
- Choice of medication should depend on underlying cause; either a benzodiazepine or a neuroleptic or both may be appropriate:
- If agitation results from delirium or other medical condition, first attempt to treat the underlying cause
- Consider benzodiazepines for hyperadrenergic state (e.g., cocaine intoxication) or if there is a contraindication to neuroleptics
- Consider neuroleptics for most primary medical or psychiatric causes, sedative intoxication, or primary behavioral cause
- Often used in combination
- Contraindications/relative contraindications to neuroleptics:
- Parkinson disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, or frontotemporal dementia
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, dystonic reaction, or catatonia
- Prolonged QTc
- Anticholinergic overdose
- Potential adverse effects:
- Dystonia: Treat with IM benztropine 1 mg or IM diphenhydramine 50 mg
- QTc prolongation and /or torsades de pointes (rare)
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (rare): Stop all antipsychotics; begin intensive monitoring and supportive care
Patients who are elderly, have medical or neurologic illness, or have cognitive impairment are more vulnerable to adverse effects and may respond to lower doses |
- First line:
- Haloperidol: 5-10 mg IV/IM/PO
- If first dose of IM haloperidol is ineffective, may be repeated after 30-60 min
- Lorazepam: 1-2 mg IV/IM/PO
- Second line:
Admission Criteria
- Medical admission for medical conditions not temporary or reversible in the ED
- Medical admission if further medical workup needed for which ED setting is not optimal
- Psychiatric admission if patient has a treatable psychiatric illness appropriate for inpatient level of care
- Involuntary admission for safety may be necessary according to criteria defined by individual state laws
Discharge Criteria
- Underlying medical or psychiatric causes have been stabilized
- Appropriate follow-up is in place
- Access to weapons has been assessed
- If intoxication played a role in presentation, sober re-evaluation should occur prior to discharge
- Discharge to police custody may be appropriate if no psychiatric or medical issues remain
- If patient elopes, must consider imminent danger to self or others; notify police if risk is high or if safety evaluation not complete
- Duty to warn or protect third parties from risk of harm: Tarasoff laws vary among states
Additional Therapies
Issues for Referral
- Psychiatric consultation in the ED can be helpful, especially if primary mental illness suspected
- Other consultation may be indicated based on the underlying etiology
Follow-up Recommendations
- Patients with psychiatric illness should follow-up with community mental health provider
- Patients who are using substances should be offered counseling and /or detox
- ClaudiusIA, DesaiS, DavisE, et al. Case-controlled analysis of patient-based risk factors for assault in the healthcare workplace . West J Emerg Med. 2017;18:1153-1158.
- GillespieGL, PekarB, ByczkowskiTL, et al. Worker, workplace, and community/environmental risk factors for workplace violence in emergency departments . Arch Environ Occup Health. 2017;72:79-86.
- KowalenkoT, CunninghamR, SachsCJ, et al. Workplace violence in emergency medicine: Current knowledge and future directions . J Emerg Med. 2012;43:523-531.
- RichmondJS, BerlinJS, FishkindAB, et al. Verbal de-escalation of the agitated patient: Consensus statement of the American Association for Emergency Psychiatry Project BETA De-escalation Workgroup . West J Emerg Med. 2012;13:17-25.
- TishlerCL, ReissNS, DundasJ. The assessment and management of the violent patient in critical hospital settings . Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2013;35:181-185.
- UllrichS, KeersR, CoidJW. Delusions, anger, and serious violence: New findings from the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study . Schizophr Bull. 2014;40:1174-1181.
See Also (Topic, Algorithm, Electronic Media Element)