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Richard E.Wolfe




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Signs and Symptoms!!navigator!!


  • Laterality of the bleeding
  • Intensity and amount of bleeding from the nares
  • Recurrence of epistaxis and history of prior episodes
  • Nasal obstruction and the duration of this symptom
  • Complaints of vomiting or coughing blood
  • Known tumors or coagulopathy
  • Unusual bleeding or easy bruising suggests an underlying coagulopathy
  • Presence of systemic disease exacerbated by blood loss (coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

Physical Exam

  • Evaluate vitals for hemorrhagic shock
  • Careful exam for signs of coagulopathy:
    • Bruises
    • Petechiae and purpura
  • Nasopharyngeal inspection:
    • Anesthetize nasopharynx prior to exam with cotton swab soaked in anesthetic and vasoactive agent
  • Attempt to identify bleeding source with nasal speculum
  • Blood in mouth or oropharynx

Essential Workup!!navigator!!

Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation!!navigator!!


  • Consider for severe bleeding or suspected coagulopathy:
    • CBC, type and cross-match, PT/INR, PTT, BUN

Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery

Direct visualization of nasal mucosa with nasal speculum:

  • Pretreat with topical vasoconstricting agent and anesthetic
  • Ensure adequate lighting (i.e., headlamp) and suction

Differential Diagnosis!!navigator!!

Pediatric Considerations
  • Posterior epistaxis is rare in children; consider further workup for bleeding diatheses
  • Consider nasal foreign bodies or neoplasm, such as juvenile angiofibroma or papilloma
  • 4 wk of topical antiseptic ointment decreases incidence of recurrent epistaxis


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Initial Stabilization/Therapy!!navigator!!

ED Treatment/Procedures!!navigator!!



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Admission Criteria

  • Severe blood loss requiring transfusion
  • Severe coagulopathy that places the patient at risk of further blood loss
  • Bilateral packing if concerns about oxygenation or patient frailty
  • Posterior nasal packing: Otolaryngology consult and admission for telemetry, supplemental oxygen, possible sedation, and observation; possible further surgical intervention (e.g., arterial ligation or embolization)
  • Patients with anterior packing who do not have reliable follow-up within 48 hr

Discharge Criteria

Stable patients:

  • Use Afrin nasal spray for 2 d
  • Lubricate nares with an antibiotic ointment or use nasal saline 3-4 times a day
  • Humidify air
  • Avoid nose picking
  • All patients with nasal packing in place should be prescribed an antistaphylococcal antibiotic (amoxicillin-clavulanate, cephalexin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) for the duration that the packing remains in place for prevention of both acute sinusitis and TSS

Issues for Referral

  • Refer all patients with packing to a specialist within 48 hr
  • Patients with nonvisualized source, suspicious-appearing lesions, recurrent same-side bleeding, or nasal obstruction should be referred to an ORL specialist for an exam to rule out a neoplastic etiology or a foreign body

Follow-up Recommendations!!navigator!!

Pearls and Pitfalls

  • Foreign bodies should be suspected in any unilateral nasal bleeding in small children, psychiatric patients, and patients with mental retardation
  • Avoid covering anterior nasal balloons with antibiotic ointment, as petroleum-based materials may cause a delayed rupture of the balloon
  • Avoid overinflating nasal balloons or placing a pack too tightly, as it can cause necrosis and eschars
  • Patients with packings should receive prophylactic antibiotics

Additional Reading

The authors gratefully acknowledge Christopher McCarthy for his contribution to the previous edition of this chapter.



784.7 Epistaxis


R04.0 Epistaxis