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Alan M.Kumar

Christine A.Babcock



Exists within the alveoli of the lung

Pediatric Considerations
PCP in children is typically more severe


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Signs and Symptoms!!navigator!!


  • Fever
  • Cough with none or minimal amount of white sputum
  • Dyspnea on exertion or at rest:
    • Progressive over days (most common in non-HIV-immunocompromised hosts)
    • Indolent, developing over weeks to months (more common in HIV-positive hosts)
    • Oxygen desaturation with exercise
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Chest pain

Physical Exam

  • Tachypnea
  • Tachycardia
  • Crackles and rhonchi on lung exam
  • Lung exam may be normal

Essential Workup!!navigator!!

Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation!!navigator!!


  • ABG:
    • Obtain in all cases of PCP
    • Calculate the alveolar-arterial (A-a) gradient (usually increased)
    • Adjunctive corticosteroid therapy for A-a gradient >35 mm Hg or PaO2<70 mm Hg
  • LDH:
    • Elevated in HIV-positive patients with PCP compared to non-PCP pneumonia
    • Higher levels correlate with poorer prognosis


  • Chest radiograph:
    • Classically reveals bilateral interstitial or central alveolar infiltrates
    • Radiograph normal in up to 25% of patients with PCP
    • Early or mild infection associated with decreased sensitivity
    • Atypical presentations include:
      • Lobar infiltrates
      • Cysts
      • Pneumothoraces
      • Pleural effusions
      • Nodular infiltrates
    • Prophylaxis with aerosolized pentamidine is a risk factor for developing predominantly upper lobe
    • Chest radiograph abnormalities can persist for months after treatment
  • High-resolution chest CT:
    • High sensitivity for PCP in HIV-positive patients
    • Reveals patchy ground-glass attenuation

Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery

  • Induced sputum:
    • Definitive diagnosis requires presence of Pneumocystis organisms in an appropriately stained respiratory specimen
    • Specificity approaches 100%, but sensitivity depends on quality of induced sputum and lab expertise
    • Less sensitive in patients on inhaled pentamidine prophylaxis and non-HIV-positive patients
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage:
    • Perform if the induced sputum is nondiagnostic and the suspicion for PCP is still high
    • Sensitivity 80-100%

Differential Diagnosis!!navigator!!

Constellation of dyspnea, fever, diffuse radiographic infiltrates, minimal or nonproductive cough, and slow progressive course suggests atypical cause of the pneumonia:


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Provide supplemental oxygen for symptomatic patients

Initial Stabilization/Therapy!!navigator!!

ED Treatment/Procedures!!navigator!!


Pediatric Considerations
  • Treatment of choice is IV trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, followed by IV pentamidine
  • Dosing for alternative medications not yet established (consult pediatric infectious disease specialist)


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Admission Criteria

  • Moderate to severe disease (PaO2<70 mm Hg or A-a gradient >35 mm Hg)
  • Inability to digest medications
  • Inability to return for careful follow-up

Discharge Criteria

  • Nontoxic clinical appearance
  • Mild disease state (no hypoxemia or A-a gradient)
  • Ability to tolerate medications
  • Close follow-up arranged
  • If results of induced sputum are not available, add macrolide to empirical regimen

Follow-up Recommendations!!navigator!!

Close follow-up must be arranged with infectious disease specialist to allow for outpatient management

Pearls and Pitfalls

  • Include PCP in differential diagnosis in any patient presenting with shortness of breath who is immunocompromised or is suspected of having undiagnosed HIV
  • Patients considered for PCP are also more likely to have TB or atypical bacterial pneumonia
  • Well-appearing patients with low oxygen saturations are at higher risk for complications

Additional Reading

See Also (Topic, Algorithm, Electronic Media Element)





B59 Pneumocystosis