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[Section Outline]


David W.Schoenfeld

Christopher J.Shestak




[Section Outline]

Signs and Symptoms!!navigator!!


  • Difficulty in maintaining a coherent stream of thinking and mental performance:
    • Remember to consider level of education, primary language, and possible learning disabilities
  • Inattention:
    • Inability to follow tasks, selectively focus on important pieces of information
  • Memory deficit:
    • Inability to recall any of the following:
      • The date, inclusive of month, day, year, and day of week
      • The precise place
      • Items of universally known information
      • Why the patient is in the hospital
      • Address, telephone number, or Social Security number
  • Impaired mental performance:
    • Difficulty retaining 7 digits forward and 4 backward
    • Difficulty naming ordinary objects
    • Serial calculations: serial 7 subtraction test
  • Disorganized and rambling language:
    • May be mistaken for aphasia
  • Fever:
    • Infectious etiologies, drug toxicities, endocrine disorders, heat stroke
  • Severe hypertension and bradycardia
    • Cushing reflex suggests intracranial lesion
  • Hypotension:
    • Infectious, toxicologic etiologies, decreased cardiac output
  • Eye movements:
    • Ocular bobbing:
      • Cyclical, brisk, conjugate, caudal jerks of the globes, followed by a slow return to midposition
      • Seen in bilateral pontine damage, metabolic derangement, and brainstem compression
    • Ocular dipping:
      • Slow, cyclical, conjugate, downward movement of the eyes, followed by a rapid return to midposition
      • Seen in diffuse cortical anoxic damage
  • Pupil exam:
    • Nearly all toxic and metabolic causes of coma leave the pupillary reflexes sluggish but bilaterally intact
  • Focal findings (indicative of CNS process):
    • Hemiparesis
    • Hemianopsia
    • Aphasia
    • Myoclonus
    • Convulsions
    • Nuchal rigidity
  • Asterixis:
    • Arrhythmic flapping tremor (almost always bilateral)
    • Seen in hepatic failure or severe renal failure


  • Ask witnesses, family, pre-hospital personnel
  • Baseline mental status
  • Medical history (immunosuppressed, liver failure, depression, or chronic conditions)
  • Recent events: Trauma, fever, illness
  • Detailed medication list
  • Substance abuse history

Physical Exam

  • Vital signs
  • Head: Signs of trauma, pupils
  • Fundoscopic exam: Hemorrhage, papilledema
  • Neck: Rigidity, bruits, thyroid enlargement
  • Heart and lungs
  • Abdomen: Organomegaly, ascites
  • Extremities: Cyanosis
  • Skin: Diaphoretic/dry, rash, petechiae, ecchymoses, splinter hemorrhages, needle tracks
  • Neurologic exam
  • Mental status exam

Diagnostic Tests & Interpretation!!navigator!!


  • Dextrostix and glucose
  • CBC
  • Electrolytes (including Ca, Mg, P)
  • BUN, creatinine
  • Toxicologic screen (including toxic alcohols)
  • ECG
  • Urinalysis
  • Blood and urine cultures (suspected infection)
  • PT, PTT (anticoagulated, liver failure patients)
  • Consider LFTs, thyroid function tests, ammonia, serum osmolarity, arterial blood gas
  • Consider B12, folic acid, RPR, urine porphobilinogen, heavy metal screening


  • Head CT scan:
    • Noncontrast only to rule out hemorrhage and mass effect
  • Chest radiograph: To diagnose pneumonia
  • MRI (if available):
    • Indicated when suspicious of ischemic stroke or other CNS abnormality
    • May be deferred when admitting the patient as part of the inpatient workup

Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery

  • Lumbar puncture (LP):
    • Indicated when the etiology remains unclear after labs and CT scan
    • Empiric antibiotics should be given before LP in patients with suspected meningitis
  • EEG (inpatient): For suspected seizure, nonconvulsive status epilepticus
  • Caloric stimulation of the vestibular apparatus to assess unresponsive patients

Differential Diagnosis!!navigator!!


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Initial Stabilization/Therapy!!navigator!!

ED Treatment/Procedures!!navigator!!



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Admission Criteria

All patients with acute and persistent changes in mental status require admission

Discharge Criteria

  • Treated hypoglycemia related to insulin therapy with resolved symptoms
  • Chronic altered mental status (e.g., dementia) without change from baseline
  • Acute drug intoxication with return of patient's mental status to baseline, and drug has no potential for delayed toxicity

Follow-up Recommendations!!navigator!!

Primary care follow-up to manage etiology that led to altered mental status (e.g., adjust medication dosing, drug abuse treatment referral)

Pearls and Pitfalls

  • Consider reversible causes:
    • Hypoglycemia (check glucose, give dextrose)
    • Opiate overdose (trial of naloxone)
    • Thiamine deficiency (trial of thiamine)
  • Consider head CT for any patient with unclear etiology or neurologic abnormality
  • Consider empiric antibiotics in patients with fever or unclear etiology

Additional Reading
