A synthetic form of corticotropin (ACTH); stimulates the adrenal gland to primarily produce corticosteroids (hydrocortisone) and a small amount of mineralocorticoids (aldosterone). Action requires intact adrenal responsiveness.
Therapeutic effects:
Production of adrenal steroids after administration.
IM IV (Adults and Children >2 yr): 0.25 mg as a single dose.
IM IV (Children <2 yr): 0.125 mg as a single dose.
(Generic available)
Powder for injection: 0.25 mg/vial
In patients with a history of allergic reactions, monitor for hypersensitivity response (wheezing, rash or hives, and erythema) Cosyntropin is less likely than ACTH to cause such a response.
Lab Test Considerations:
Plasma cortisol concentrations will be measured before and 30 or 60 min after administration of cosyntropin. Therapeutic response is a rise in the plasma cortisol of at least 7 mcg/dL above baseline or a final concentration of at least 18 mcg/dL. In patients with septic shock, a therapeutic response is defined as a rise in the plasma cortisol of at least 9 mcg/dL. Administration of corticosteroids, estrogens, or spironolactone on day of test will interfere with test results by causing elevated baseline plasma cortisol concentrations.
Do not confuse Cortrosyn with colchicine.
Discontinue spironolactone and glucocorticoids on the day that cosyntropin testing is performed. Long-acting glucocorticoids may need to be discontinued for a longer period before administration of cosyntropin. Discontinue estrogen-containing medications 46 wk before cosyntropin testing.
May be administered IM, IV push, and by IV infusion.
Discard unused reconstituted cosyntropin.
IV Administration:
IV Push: Reconstitute 0.25 mg vial with 1 mL of 0.9% NaCl for injection.
Intermittent Infusion: Diluent: May be further diluted in 50 mL of D5W or 0.9% NaCl. Stable for 12 hr at room temperature or 21 days if refrigerated.
Rate: Infuse at a rate of 40 mcg/hr over 6 hr.
Y-Site Incompatibility: Do not administer other drugs through same IV line.
Patient/Family Teaching⬆⬇
Explain purpose of cosyntropin and need for lab tests.
Evaluation/Desired Outcomes⬆⬇
Differentiation of primary from secondary adrenocortical insufficiency.