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Therapeutic Classification: antineoplastics

Pharmacologic Classification: hormones, gonadotropin releasing hormones


High Alert


Therapeutic Effects:


Absorption: Rapidly and almost completely absorbed following SUBQ administration. More slowly absorbed following IM administration of depot form.

Distribution: Unknown.

Metabolism/Excretion: Unknown.

Half-life: 3 hr.

Time/Action Profile

(effect on hormone levels)

SUBQwithin 1st wk2–4 wk4–12 wk
IMwithin 1st wk2–4 wk4–12 wk
IM-depotwithin 1st wk2–4 wk4–12 wk

†Initial transient in testosterone and estradiol levels.

†Maximum decline in testosterone and estradiol levels.

iRestoration of normal pituitary-gonadal function; in amenorrheic patients, normal menses usually returns 60–90 days after treatment is discontinued.


Contraindicated in:

Use Cautiously in:

Adv. Reactions/Side Effects

CV: angina, arrhythmias, MI.
Depot: QT interval prolongation, vasodilation.

Derm: hot flushing.
Depot: hair growth, rash.
SUBQ: dry skin, hair loss, pigmentation, skin cancer, skin lesions.

EENT: blurred vision.
Depot: epistaxis, throat nodules.
SUBQ: hearing disorder.

Endo: breast swelling, breast tenderness, hyperglycemia.

F and E: hypercalcemia, lower extremity edema.

GI: anorexia, diarrhea, dysphagia, nausea, vomiting.
Depot: gingivitis, HEPATOTOXICITY.
SUBQ: GI BLEEDING, hepatic impairment, peptic ulcer, rectal polyps.

GU: fertility (males), libido, testicular size, dysuria, incontinence, testicular pain.
Depot: cervix disorder.
SUBQ: bladder spasm, penile swelling, prostate pain, urinary obstruction.

Local: burning, itching, swelling at injection site.

Metab: Depot: bone density, hyperuricemia.

MS: fibromyalgia, transient in bone pain (prostate cancer only).
SUBQ: ankylosing spondylitis, joint pain, pelvic fibrosis, temporal bone pain.

Neuro: SUBQ: aggression, anger, anxiety, dizziness, dysgeusia, headache, impatience, intracranial hypertension (children), irritability, lethargy, memory disorder, mood swings, peripheral neuropathy, SEIZURES, STROKE, syncope.
Depot: depression, drowsiness, intracranial hypertension (children), personality disorder.

Resp: hemoptysis, PULMONARY EMBOLISM.
SUBQ: cough, pleural rub, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary infiltrate.
Misc: chills, fever.
Depot: body odor.




see Calculator

Advanced Prostate Cancer


Uterine Fibroids

Central Precocious Puberty


(Generic available)


Lab Test Considerations:


Patient/Family Teaching

Evaluation/Desired Outcomes

US Brand Names

Camcevi, Eligard, Fensolvi, Lupron, Lupron Depot, Lupron Depot-Ped

Canadian Brand Names

Zeulide Depot