Absorption: Well absorbed after oral administration but rapidly undergoes extensive metabolism.
Distribution: Small amounts appear in breast milk.
Half-Life: Oral 2.75 hr; Inhalation: 3.8 hr.
Contraindicated in:
Use Cautiously in:
CV: chest pain, palpitations, angina, arrhythmias, hypertension
Endo: hyperglycemia
F and E: hypokalemia
Neuro: nervousness, restlessness, tremor, headache, hyperactivity (children), insomnia
Drug-Natural Products:
(Adults and Children ≥4 yr): Via metered-dose inhaler or dry powder inhaler: 2 inhalations every 46 hr (some patients may respond to 1 inhalation) or 2 inhalations 15 min before exercise; NIH Guidelines for acute asthma exacerbation: Children: 48 puffs every 20 min for 3 doses then every 14 hr; Adults: 48 puffs every 20 min for up to 4 hr then every 14 hr as needed.Inhaln
(Adults and Children >12 yr): NIH Guidelines for acute asthma exacerbation via nebulization or IPPB: 2.55 mg every 20 min for 3 doses then 2.510 mg every 14 hr as needed; Continuous nebulization: 1015 mg/hr.Inhaln
(Children 212 yr): NIH Guidelines for acute asthma exacerbation via nebulization or IPPB: 0.15 mg/kg/dose (minimum dose 2.5 mg) every 20 min for 3 doses; then 0.150.3 mg/kg (not to exceed 10 mg) every 14 hr as needed or 1.25 mg 34 times daily for children 1015 kg or 2.5 mg 34 times daily for children >15 kg; Continuous nebulization: 0.53 mg/kg/hr.Inhaln
(Neonates ): 1.25 mg/dose every 8 hr via nebulization or 12 puffs via MDI into the ventilator circuit every 6 hr.Lab Test Considerations: