Absorption: Completely absorbed after oral administration.
Distribution: Widely distributed into many tissues and fluids; CSF levels are 50% of plasma levels. Crosses the placenta; enters breast milk.
Metabolism/Excretion: Excreted almost entirely unchanged by the kidneys.
Half-life: 2027 hr.
Contraindicated in:
Use Cautiously in:
CV: ECG changes, arrhythmias, edema, hypotension, unmasking of Brugada syndrome.
Derm: acneiform eruption, folliculitis, alopecia, diminished sensation, DRUG REACTION WITH EOSINOPHILIA AND SYSTEMIC SYMPTOMS (DRESS), pruritus.
EENT: aphasia, blurred vision, dysarthria, tinnitus.
Endo: hypothyroidism, goiter, hyperglycemia, hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism.
F and E: hypercalcemia, hyponatremia.
GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, metallic taste.
GU: polyuria, glycosuria, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, renal impairment.
Hemat: leukocytosis.
Metab: weight gain.
MS: muscle weakness, hyperirritability, rigidity.
Neuro: fatigue, headache, impaired memory, tremors, ataxia, confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, PSEUDOTUMOR CEREBRI, psychomotor retardation, restlessness, sedation, SEIZURES, stupor.
Drug-Natural Products:
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