High Alert
Absorption: IV administration results in complete bioavailability. Bioavailability following pyelocalyceal administration unknown.
Distribution: Widely distributed, concentrates in tumor tissue. Does not enter CSF.
Half-Life: IV: 50 min.
Contraindicated in:
Use Cautiously in:
CV: edema (IV only)
Derm: pruritus (Jelmyto only), alopecia (IV only), desquamation (IV only)
F and E: hyperkalemia (Jelmyto only), hypocalcemia (Jelmyto only)
GI: abdominal pain (Jelmyto only), hypoalbuminemia (Jelmyto only), nausea, vomiting, anorexia, stomatitis (IV only)
GU: dysuria (Jelmyto only), flank pain (Jelmyto only), hematuria (Jelmyto only), pollakiuria (Jelmyto only), renal impairment, ureteric obstruction (Jelmyto only), urinary tract infection (Jelmyto only), infertility (IV only), UROSEPSIS (JELMYTO ONLY)
Hemat: anemia, leukopenia, lymphopenia (Jelmyto only), thrombocytopenia, HEMOLYTIC UREMIC SYNDROME(IV ONLY), NEUTROPENIA
Local: phlebitis at IV site
Misc: chills (Jelmyto only), fatigue, fever
Interactions noted are for IV therapy only.
IV and pyelocalceal (ureteral) formulations are not interchangeable.
Pyelocalyceal (ureteral)
(Adults ): Instill 4 mg per mL via ureteral catheter or a nephrostomy tube, with total instillation volume based on volumetric measurements using pyelography (not to exceed 15 mL [60 mg]). Instill once weekly for a total of 6 wk. If complete response demonstrated 3 mo after initiation of therapy, continue instillations once monthly for a maximum of 11 additional instillations.Lab Test Considerations:
Do not confuse mitomycin with mitoxantrone. Wear gloves, gown, and mask while handling medication. Discard equipment in designated containers.
IV Administration: