section name header
Familial Polyposis
What is another name for this condition?
What are the characteristics?
What is the inheritance pattern?
What is the genetic defect?
What is the treatment?
With FAP, what other tumor must be looked for?
Gardner's Syndrome
What are the characteristics?
What are the other associated findings?
How can the findings associated with Gardner's syndrome be remembered?
What is a desmoid tumor?
What medications may slow the growth of a desmoid tumor?
What is the inheritance pattern?
What is the treatment of colon polyps in patients with Gardner's syndrome?
Jeghers' Syndrome
What are the characteristics?
What is the associated cancer risk from polyps?
What is the associated cancer risk for women with Peutz
What is the inheritance pattern?
What are the other signs?
What is the treatment?
What are juvenile polyps?
What is Cronkhite
Canada syndrome?
What is Turcot's syndrome?
Familial Polyposis
Gardner's Syndrome
PeutzJeghers' Syndrome