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How to use this chapter

First cover the right-hand side of the page (i.e., cover the answers). Then answer all the microvignettes on the left-hand side. Record the number answered correctly at the bottom of the page before reading the book (Pre-test) and then after finishing the book (Post-test). This will facilitate self-assessment of vignette subject knowledge and reveal what areas to restudy until the material is mastered.

Top 100 Clinical Surgical Microvignettes

1.Elderly female, SBO, and air in biliary tractGallstone ileus
2.Elderly female with pain down inner aspect of thighObturator hernia (HowshipRomberg sign)
3.Abdominal pain, hypotension, and abdominal pulsatile massRuptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
4.Abdominal pain out of proportion to abdominal examMesenteric ischemia
5.Arm pain and syncope with arm movementSubclavian steal syndrome
6.Increasing creatinine on ACE inhibitorRenal artery stenosis
7.Child with MIDLINE neck massThyroglossal duct cyst
8.Child with LATERAL neck massBranchial cleft cyst
9.Crush injury and dark urineMyoglobinuria
10.Emesis, chest pain radiating to back, and mediastinal airBoerhaave's

SCORE YOUR ANSWERS: Pre- and Post-Book Self-Assessment of Surgical Knowledge

Pre-test: ____/10

Cumulative: Pre-test: ____/10

Post-test: _____/10

Cumulative: Post-test: _____/10

11.Lower GI bleed + technetium pertechnetate scanMeckel's diverticulum
12.Flushing, diarrhea, and right-sided heart failureCarcinoid
13.Pneumaturia and LLQ painColovesical fistula
14.Desmoid tumor, osteoma, and colon cancerGardner's syndrome
15.Epigastric pain radiating to back and flank ecchymosisHemorrhagic pancreatitis
16.Pancreatitis and palpable epigastric massPancreatic pseudocyst
17.Liver abscess with anchovy pasteAmebic abscess
18.RUQ pain, travel, and exposure to sheepHydatid cyst
19.Caput medusaePortal hypertension
20.45-year-old female with RUQ pain for 12 hours, fever, and leukocytosisAcute cholecystitis
21.Elderly male with large nontender palpable gallbladderPancreatic cancer (Courvoisier's sign)
22.Female taking birth control pills with liver massHepatic adenoma
23.Liver tumor with central scarFocal nodular hyperplasia
24.Pancreatic mass, gallstones, diabetes, and diarrheaSomatostatinoma
25.RUQ bruit and CHF in young adultLiver hemangioma
26.Excruciating pain with bowel movementAnal fissure
27.Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and anal fistulaeCrohn's disease
28.EKG with peaked T wavesHyperkalemia
29.Buccal mucosa with pigmentationPeutzJeghers syndrome

SCORE YOUR ANSWERS: Pre- and Post-Book Self-Assessment of Surgical Knowledge

Pre-test: ____/19

Cumulative: Pre-test: ____/29

Post-test: _____/19

Cumulative: Post-test: _____/29

30.LLQ pain, fever, and change in bowel habitsDiverticulitis
31.Elevated urine 5-HIAACarcinoid
32.Institutionalized, abdominal pain, vomiting, and distention, with proximal colonic dilationSigmoid volvulus
33.Infant with projectile vomitingPyloric stenosis
34.Newborn with failure to pass meconium in first 24 hoursHirschsprung's disease
35.Infant with bilious vomitingMalrotation
36.Newborn with abdominal defect and umbilical cord on sacOmphalocele
37.Teenager with knee pain and onion skinning on x-rayEwing's sarcoma
38.Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure <18, CXR with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, and PaO2:FiO2 ratio <300Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
39.Increased peak airway pressure, low urine output, and urinary bladder >25 mm HgAbdominal compartment syndrome
40.Newborn with inability to pass an NGTEsophageal atresia
41.Traumatic blinding in one eye followed by blindness in the contralateral eye 2 weeks laterSympathetic ophthalmia
42.Miotic pupil, ptosis, and anhidrosisHorner's syndrome
43.Traumatic head injury, conscious in ER followed by unconsciousnessEpidural hematoma (lucid interval)
44.Worst headache of my lifeSubarachnoid hemorrhage
45.Hematuria, flank pain, and abdominal mass (palpable)Renal cell carcinoma

SCORE YOUR ANSWERS: Pre- and Post-Book Self-Assessment of Surgical Knowledge

Pre-test: ____/16

Cumulative: Pre-test: ____/45

Post-test: _____/16

Cumulative: Post-test: _____/45

46.60-year-old white male with painless hematuriaBladder cancer
47.RUQ pain, jaundice, and feverCholangitis
48.Epigastric pain radiating to back, with nausea and vomitingPancreatitis
49.Chest pain radiating to back and described as a tearing painAortic dissection
50.40-year-old male with tachycardia/hypertension and confusion on postoperative day #2Alcohol withdrawal
51.Marfanoid body habitus and mucosal neuromasMEN II-b
52.Psammoma bodiesPapillary thyroid cancer
53.Sulfur granulesActinomyces infection
54.Thyroid tumor with AMYLOID tissueThyroid medullary cancer
55.PALPABLE neck tumor and hypercalcemiaParathyroid cancer
56.Hypertension, diaphoresis (episodic), and palpitationsPheochromocytoma
57.Jejunal ulcersZollingerEllison syndrome
58.Pituitary tumor, pancreatic tumor, and parathyroid tumorMEN-I
59.Necrotizing migratory erythemaGlucagonoma
60.Medullary thyroid cancer, pheochromocytoma, and hyperparathyroidismMEN-IIa
61.Hypokalemia refractory to IV potassium supplementationHypomagnesemia
62.Newborn with pneumatosisNecrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)

SCORE YOUR ANSWERS: Pre- and Post-Book Self-Assessment of Surgical Knowledge

Pre-test: ____/17

Cumulative: Pre-test: ____/62

Post-test: _____/17

Cumulative: Post-test: _____/62

63.Child with abdominal mass that crosses midlineNeuroblastoma
64.Child <4 years with abdominal tumor that does NOT cross midlineWilms' tumor
65.Currant jelly stools and abdominal colicIntussusception
66.Femur fracture, respiratory failure, petechiae, and mental status changesFat embolism
67.Hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigoMénière's disease
68.Adolescent boy with nasal obstruction and recurrent epistaxisJuvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
69.Child <5 years sitting upright and drooling, with hot-potato voiceEpiglottitis
70.Angina, syncope, and CHFAortic stenosis
71.Tobacco use, asbestos exposure, and pleuritic chest painMesothelioma
72.Supracondylar fracture and contracture of forearm flexorsVolkmann's contracture
73.Tibia fracture, pain out of proportion, pain on passive foot movement, and palpable pulsesCompartment syndrome
74.25-year-old male with liver mass with fibrous septae and NO history of cirrhosis or hepatitisFibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma
75.EKG with flattening of T waves and U wavesHypokalemia
76.Central pontine myelinolysisToo-rapid correction of hyponatremia
77.Polydipsia, polyuria, and constipationHypercalcemia

SCORE YOUR ANSWERS: Pre- and Post-Book Self-Assessment of Surgical Knowledge

Pre-test: ____/15

Cumulative: Pre-test: ____/77

Post-test: _____/15

Cumulative: Post-test: _____/77

78.Factor VIII deficiencyHemophilia A
79.Abdominal pain, fever, hypotension, HYPERkalemia, and HYPOnatremiaAdrenal insufficiency (addisonian crisis)
80.Massive urine output and HYPERnatremiaDiabetes insipidus
81.Increased urine osmolality, HYPOnatremia, and low serum osmolalitySIADH
82.IV antibiotics, fever, diarrheaClostridium difficile pseudomembranous colitis
83.Bleeding gums and wound dehiscenceVitamin C deficiency
84.Fever, central line, and HYPERglycemiaCentral line infection
85.Appendectomy followed by fever and abdominal pain on postoperative day #7Peritoneal abscess
86.Advancing crepitus, fever, and blood blistersNecrotizing fasciitis
87.High INTRAoperative feverMalignant hyperthermia
88.Confusion, ataxia, and ophthalmoplegiaWernicke's encephalopathy
89.Tracheal deviation, decreased breath sounds, and hyperresonanceTension pneumothorax
90.Hypotension, decreased heart sounds, and JVDPericardial tamponade
91.Four ribs broken in two places and pulmonary contusionFlail chest
92.Otorrhea (clear) and Battle's signBasilar skull fracture
93.Ulcer and decreased pain with foodDuodenal ulcer

SCORE YOUR ANSWERS: Pre- and Post-Book Self-Assessment of Surgical Knowledge

Pre-test: ____/16

Cumulative: Pre-test: ____/93

Post-test: _____/16

Cumulative: Post-test: _____/93

94.Vomiting, retching, and epigastric painMalloryWeiss tear
95.Fever on postoperative day #1, with bronze weeping, tender woundClostridial wound infection
96.Hematochezia and tenesmusRectal cancer
97.Upper GI bleed, jaundice, and RUQ painHemobilia
98.Gallstones, epigastric pain radiating to back, and nauseaGallstone pancreatitis
99.18-year-old female with bloody nipple dischargeDuctal papilloma
100.Irritability, diaphoresis, weakness, tremulousness, and palpitationsInsulinoma

SCORE YOUR ANSWERS: Pre- and Post-Book Self-Assessment of Surgical Knowledge

Pre-test: ____/7

Total number of microvignettes answered correctly:

Pre-test: ____/100

Post-test: _____/7

Post-test: _____/100