section name header

List of Diseases and Injuries

Assault (X92-Y09)

Includes: homicide
injuries inflicted by another person with intent to injure or kill, by any means

Excludes 1: injuries due to legal intervention (Y35.-)
injuries due to operations of war (Y36.-)
injuries due to terrorism (Y38.-)

X92Assault by drowning and submersion
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category X92

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X92.0Assault by drowning and submersion while in bathtub

X92.1Assault by drowning and submersion while in swimming pool

X92.2Assault by drowning and submersion after push into swimming pool

X92.3Assault by drowning and submersion in natural water

X92.8Other assault by drowning and submersion

X92.9Assault by drowning and submersion, unspecified

X93Assault by handgun discharge
Assault by discharge of gun for single hand use
Assault by discharge of pistol
Assault by discharge of revolver

Excludes 1: Very pistol (X95.8)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code X93

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X94Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge
Excludes 1: airgun (X95.01)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category X94

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X94.0Assault by shotgun

X94.1Assault by hunting rifle

X94.2Assault by machine gun

X94.8Assault by other larger firearm discharge

X94.9Assault by unspecified larger firearm discharge

X95Assault by other and unspecified firearm and gun discharge
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category X95

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X95.0Assault by gas, air or spring-operated guns

X95.01Assault by airgun discharge
Assault by BB gun discharge
Assault by pellet gun discharge

X95.02Assault by paintball gun discharge

X95.09Assault by other gas, air or spring-operated gun

X95.8Assault by other firearm discharge
Assault by very pistol [flare] discharge

X95.9Assault by unspecified firearm discharge

X96Assault by explosive material
Excludes 1: incendiary device (X97)
terrorism involving explosive material (Y38.2-)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category X96

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X96.0Assault by antipersonnel bomb
Excludes 1: antipersonnel bomb use in military or war (Y36.2-)

X96.1Assault by gasoline bomb

X96.2Assault by letter bomb

X96.3Assault by fertilizer bomb

X96.4Assault by pipe bomb

X96.8Assault by other specified explosive

X96.9Assault by unspecified explosive

X97Assault by smoke, fire and flames
Assault by arson
Assault by cigarettes
Assault by incendiary device

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code X97

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X98Assault by steam, hot vapors and hot objects
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category X98

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X98.0Assault by steam or hot vapors

X98.1Assault by hot tap water

X98.2Assault by hot fluids

X98.3Assault by hot household appliances

X98.8Assault by other hot objects

X98.9Assault by unspecified hot objects

X99Assault by sharp object
Excludes 1: assault by strike by sports equipment (Y08.0-)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category X99

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

X99.0Assault by sharp glass

X99.1Assault by knife

X99.2Assault by sword or dagger

X99.8Assault by other sharp object

X99.9Assault by unspecified sharp object
Assault by stabbing NOS

Y00Assault by blunt object
Excludes 1: assault by strike by sports equipment (Y08.0-)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code Y00

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

Y01Assault by pushing from high place
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to code Y01

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

Y02Assault by pushing or placing victim in front of moving object
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category Y02

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

Y02.0Assault by pushing or placing victim in front of motor vehicle

Y02.1Assault by pushing or placing victim in front of (subway) train

Y02.8Assault by pushing or placing victim in front of other moving object

Y03Assault by crashing of motor vehicle
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category Y03

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

Y03.0Assault by being hit or run over by motor vehicle

Y03.8Other assault by crashing of motor vehicle

Y04Assault by bodily force
Excludes 1: assault by:
submersion (X92.-)
use of weapon (X93-X95, X99, Y00)

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category Y04

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

Y04.0Assault by unarmed brawl or fight

Y04.1Assault by human bite

Y04.2Assault by strike against or bumped into by another person

Y04.8Assault by other bodily force
Assault by bodily force NOS

Y07Perpetrator of assault, maltreatment and neglect

Codes from this category are for use only in cases of confirmed abuse (T74.-)
Selection of the correct perpetrator code is based on the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim

Includes: perpetrator of abandonment
perpetrator of emotional neglect
perpetrator of mental cruelty
perpetrator of physical abuse
perpetrator of physical neglect
perpetrator of sexual abuse
perpetrator of torture
perpetrator of verbal abuse

Y07.0Spouse or partner, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Spouse or partner, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect against spouse or partner

Y07.01Husband, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.010Husband, current, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.011Husband, former, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.02Wife, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.020Wife, current, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.021Wife, former, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.03Male partner, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Male intimate or dating partner, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.030Male partner, current, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.031Male partner, former, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.04Female partner, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Female intimate or dating partner, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.040Female partner, current, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.041Female partner, former, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.05Non-binary partner, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Gender non-conforming partner, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.050Non-binary partner, current, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.051Non-binary partner, former, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.1Parent (adoptive) (biological), perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.11Biological father, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.12Biological mother, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.13Adoptive father, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.14Adoptive mother, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.4Other family member, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.41Sibling, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Excludes 1: stepsibling, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect (Y07.435, Y07.436)

Y07.410Brother, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.411Sister, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.42Foster parent, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.420Foster father, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.421Foster mother, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.43Stepparent or stepsibling, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.430Stepfather, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.432Male friend of parent (co-residing in household), perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.433Stepmother, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.434Female friend of parent (co-residing in household), perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.435Stepbrother, perpetrator or maltreatment and neglect

Y07.436Stepsister, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.44Child, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Adopted child, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Biological child, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Daughter, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Foster child, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
In-law child, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Non-binary child, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Son, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Stepchild, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.45Grandchild, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Adopted grandchild, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Biological grandchild, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Foster grandchild, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Granddaughter, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Grandson, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
In-law grandchild, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Non-binary grandchild, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Step grandchild, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.46Grandparent, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Grandfather, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Grandmother, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Non-binary grandparent, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.47Parental sibling, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Aunt, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Non-binary parental sibling, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Uncle, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.49Other family member, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.490Male cousin, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.491Female cousin, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.499Other family member, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.5Non-family member, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.50Unspecified non-family member, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.51Daycare provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.510At-home childcare provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.511Daycare center childcare provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.512At-home adultcare provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.513Adultcare center provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.519Unspecified daycare provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.52Healthcare provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.521Mental health provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.528Other therapist or healthcare provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Nurse perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Occupational therapist perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Physical therapist perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Speech therapist perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.529Unspecified healthcare provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.53Teacher or instructor, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Coach, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.54Acquaintance or friend, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.59Other non-family member, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.6Multiple perpetrators of maltreatment and neglect

Y07.9Unspecified perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Y08Assault by other specified means
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category Y08

7th Character: A :: initial encounter
D :: subsequent encounter
S :: sequela

Y08.0Assault by strike by sport equipment

Y08.01Assault by strike by hockey stick

Y08.02Assault by strike by baseball bat

Y08.09Assault by strike by other specified type of sport equipment

Y08.8Assault by other specified means

Y08.81Assault by crashing of aircraft

Y08.89Assault by other specified means

Y09Assault by unspecified means
Assassination (attempted) NOS
Homicide (attempted) NOS
Manslaughter (attempted) NOS
Murder (attempted) NOS