Diseases and Injuries Index Term
Impaction, impactedbowel, colon, rectum, see also [Impaction, fecal]K56.49by gallstoneK56.3
calculus, see [Calculus]
cerumen H61.2-
cuspid, see [Impaction, tooth]
dental K01.1
fecal, fecesK56.41
fracture, see [Fracture, by site]
gallbladder, see [Calculus, gallbladder]
gallstone , see [Calculus, gallbladder]bile duct , see [Calculus, bile duct]
cystic duct, see [Calculus, gallbladder]
in intestine, with obstruction K56.3
intestine NEC, see also [Impaction, fecal]K56.49gallstone, with ileusK56.3
intrauterine device T83.39
molar, see [Impaction, tooth]
shoulder, causing obstructed laborO66.0
tooth, teethK01.1