section name header

Diseases and Injuries Index Term

dietary regimenZ91.119
due to
financial hardshipZ91.110
specified reason NECZ91.118
due to financial hardshipZ91.151
medical treatment, specified NECZ91.199
due to
financial hardshipZ91.190
specified reason NECZ91.198
medication regimen NECZ91.148
due to financial hardshipZ91.141
underdosing, see also [Table of Drugs and Chemicals, categories T36-T50, with final character 6]Z91.148
intentional NECZ91.128
by caregiver
due to
financial hardshipZ91.A20
specified reason NECZ91.A28
due to financial hardship of patientZ91.120
unintentional NECZ91.138
by caregiverZ91.A3
due to patient's age related debilityZ91.130
renal dialysisZ91.158
due to financial hardshipZ91.151
with patient's
dietary regimen
due to
financial hardshipZ91.A10
specified reason NECZ91.A18
medical treatment and regimen
due to financial hardshipZ91.A91
specified reason NECZ91.A98
medication regimen
due to financial hardshipZ91.A41
specified reason NECZ91.A48
renal dialysis
due to financial hardshipZ91.A51
specified reason NECZ91.A58