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Table 18-4

New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class and AHA/ACC Staging

NYHA classAHA/ACC stageOverlap between NYHA and AHA/ACC
IAsymptomatic from HF with physical activityAAt risk, but without structural heart disease or signs or symptoms of HFBased on the stage definitions (patients lacking symptoms), stage A and B correlate with NYHA I.
IIMild symptoms with ordinary physical activityBStructural heart disease, without signs or symptoms of HF
IIISignificant symptoms with ordinary physical activity.CStructural heart disease, with prior or current signs or symptoms of HFStage C can have range of class NYHA II-III.
IVHF symptoms with any level of physical activity and at restDRefractory HF; requires consideration for advanced HF therapiesStage D correlates with class IV symptoms.

ACC, American College of Cardiology; AHA, American Heart Association; HF, heart failure.