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Figure 21-1

Tracings of Volume (Obtained by Integration of the Flow Signal), Flow, Airway Pressure (Paw), and Esophageal Pressure (Poes) in a Representative Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) During an End-Inspiratory Occlusion Followed by an End-Expiratory Occlusion. Dashed Lines Indicate Timing of Occlusions. Pmax, Maximum Value; P1, Zero Flow Value; P2, Plateau Value; Peepi, Intrinsic Positive End-Expiratory Pressure is the Static End-Expiratory Recoil Pressure of the Respiratory System; Pplat, Plateau Value of Poes after End- Expiratory Occlusion. Values of Paw, Pmax, Used for Calculations Were Corrected for the Resistive Pressure Drop Due to the Artificial Airway.


Tracings of volume (obtained by integration of the flow signal), flow, airway pressure (Paw), and esophageal pressure (Poes) in a representative patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) during an end-inspiratory occlusion followed by an end-expiratory occlusion. Dashed lines indicate timing of occlusions. Pmax, maximum value; P1, zero flow value; P2, plateau value; PEEPi, intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure is the static end-expiratory recoil pressure of the respiratory system; Pplat, plateau value of Poes after end- expiratory occlusion. Values of Paw, Pmax, used for calculations were corrected for the resistive pressure drop due to the artificial airway.