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Common Gynecological Terms/Abbreviations

Adjuvant therapyComplementary cancer treatment intended to impede the growth of micrometastatic disease
Amenorrhea (primary)Absence of menarche by age 16 or absence of secondary sexual characteristics by age 14
Amenorrhea (secondary)Absence of menses after history of established menstruation
Cervical dysplasiaAbnormal cervical cellular changes
ClimactericDecline in female reproductive ability before menopause
ColporrhaphySurgical repair of weakened vaginal wall; used for treatment of rectocele (posterior)/cystocele (anterior)
ColposcopeMagnifying instrument used to closely examine cervical tissue and aid in biopsy if indicated
Corpus luteumTerm given to the follicle after ovulation; produces estrogen and progesterone in luteal phase of the menstrual cycle
CryosurgeryApplication of extremely cold cervical probe to the cervix intended to destroy and treat abnormal cervical cells
CystoceleProtrusion of the bladder into the vagina
DysmenorrheaPainful menstruation
DyspareuniaPain experienced during intercourse
EndometriosisEndometrial tissue located outside of the uterus
GnRHGonadotropin-releasing hormone
HPVHuman papillomavirus
HysterectomySurgical excision of the uterus
HysterosalpingographyRadiographic visualization of the uterus and fallopian tubes with insertion of a contrast medium; may be therapeutic by opening tube
HysteroscopyExamination of the uterus using a specialized instrument
Kegel exercisesExercises performed by a woman to strengthen the pelvic floor and decrease incidence of stress incontinence
LEEPLoop electrosurgical excision procedure; used in the treatment of cervical dysplasia
LymphedemaAbnormal accumulation of lymph fluid in the interstitial spaces; may occur after excision of lymph nodes
MastectomySurgical removal of the breast
MenarcheLaunch of menses in the young female
MenopausePermanent cessation of menses marking the end of reproductive ability; average age in U.S. women, 52 years
MenorrhagiaMenstrual flow that is excessive in amount or number of days
MetrorrhagiaBleeding between expected menstrual periods
MyomectomySurgical excision of a uterine fibroid
OCOral contraceptive
OCPOral contraceptive pill
OligomenorrheaScanty or infrequent menstrual flow
OophorectomySurgical excision of the ovary
OvulationCyclic release of an ovum from graafian follicle; occurs 14 days before menses
PCOSPolycystic ovarian syndrome
PessaryMedical device used to support the pelvic floor and reduce symptoms associated with uterine prolapse, cystocele, and rectocele
RectoceleProtrusion of the rectum into the vagina
SalpingectomySurgical excision of the fallopian tube
Sentinel nodeFirst lymph node that receives lymphatic drainage from a tumor
STDSexually transmitted disease
STISexually transmitted infection
TAH-BSOTotal abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
Uterine artery embolizationProcedure performed to decrease the blood supply to uterine fibroids, with the intention of shrinking them
Uterine fibroidEncapsulated, connective tissue tumor of the uterus
Uterine prolapseProtrusion of the uterus into the vagina