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Common Obstetrical Terms and Abbreviations

Abortion (Ab)Spontaneous or induced termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks’ gestation
ACOGAmerican Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
AFPProtein secreted by the fetus and found in maternal blood; maternal serum sample drawn between 15 and 18 weeks’ gestation to detect babies with increased risk for neural tube defects or Down syndrome
AntepartumTime of pregnancy
AWHONNAssociation of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses
Chadwick’s signBluish hue of the cervix; probable sign of pregnancy
ChloasmaDeepening facial pigment resembling a mask related to increased estrogen levels
ColostrumBreast fluid produced early in pregnancy and immediately after birth
C/SCesarean section; operative abdominal birth
DilationOpening of the cervical os
EffacementThinning of the cervix represented by percentage
EmbryoHuman development in utero from day 15 until the 8th week of gestation
FerningMicroscopic picture of amniotic fluid; resembles fern plant
FetusDeveloping baby in utero from 9 weeks’ gestation until delivery
FHRFetal heart rate
GestationTime from conception to birth
Gestational diabetesGlucose intolerance that is first recognized in pregnancy
Goodell’s signSoftening of the cervix; probable sign of pregnancy
Gravida (G)Term used when counting the number of pregnancies
hCGHuman chorionic gonadotropin
Hegar’s signSoftening of the lower uterine segment; probable sign of pregnancy
LighteningDescent of the fetus into the birth canal
Linea nigraLine of darkened pigmentation from the symphysis pubis to the umbilicus in pregnancy
LNMPLast normal menstrual period
MacrosomiaLarge infant, greater than 4000 g (8.8 lb)
Missed abortionFetal demise without symptoms of cramping, bleeding, or dilation
MultiparityGiving birth on multiple occasions
NeonateFirst 28 days in the life of a newborn
NSTNonstress test
OTCOver-the-counter medications
Para (P)Pregnancies that carry a fetus beyond 20 weeks’ gestation
Placenta previaPlacenta that is implanted in the lower uterine segment, sometimes covering the cervical os
PostnatalAfter birth
PrenatalBefore birth
Preterm laborInitiation of labor between 20 0/7 and 36 6/7 weeks’ gestation
QuickeningFetal movement perceived by the mother, expected by 16 weeks’ gestation
Round ligament painOccasional, sharp lower abdominal pain related to stretching of round ligament with uterine growth
StationRelation of fetal presenting part with the maternal ischial spines
StriaeStretch marks
Supine hypotensionLow blood pressure resulting from supine positioning in pregnancy; signs include pallor, nausea, diaphoresis, dizziness
SurfactantA lipoprotein that maintains the stability of pulmonary tissue by reducing the surface tension
TeratogensSubstances that are harmful to the developing fetus; advise patient to avoid exposure
Term (T)
  • Early term: 37 0/7 to 38 6/7 weeks’ gestation
  • Full term: 39 0/7 to 40 6/7 weeks’ gestation
  • Late term: 41 0/7 to 41 6/7 weeks’ gestation
  • Postterm: gteq.gif42 0/7 weeks’ gestation
Threatened abortionSymptoms of cramping and slight bleeding without cervical dilation in early pregnancy
TocolyticMedication given in an attempt to stop preterm labor