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Topic Editor: Grant E. Fraser, M.D., FRACGP, FACRRM, ASTEM

Review Date: 01/07/2012

Definition navigator

A hydrocele is a fluid collection between the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis, which in males will result in a transilluminating swelling around a testis in the hemiscrotum. This condition can rarely occur in females, when fluid accumulates along the canal of Nuck.

Description navigator

Epidemiology navigator




Risk factors

Etiology navigator


History & Physical Findings

History navigator

Physical findings on examination navigator


Laboratory & Diagnostic Testing/Findings

Approach navigator

Radiological findings navigator


Differential Diagnosis


General treatment items navigator

Medications indicated with specific doses navigator


Disposition navigator



Monitoring navigator

Complications navigator



Prevention navigator

Prognosis navigator

ICD-9-CM navigator

ICD-10-CM navigator



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