section name header


A. Weight Gainnavigator

  1. Bulimia
  2. Reactive depression and anxiety
  3. Iatrogenic
    1. Antipsychotics: phenothiazines, olanzepine
    2. Tricyclic antidepressants
    3. Lithium
    4. Glucocorticoids
    5. Anabolic Steroids
  4. Hypothyroidism
  5. Pituitary tumors
  6. Cushing's Syndrome
  7. Insulinoma
  8. Birth control pills (oral contraceptives)
  9. Ordinary Obesity

B. Weight Loss [1,2]navigator

  1. Inadequate Food Intake
    1. Anorexia nervosa
    2. Severe malnutrition
    3. Famine
    4. Dementia
  2. Neurological
    1. Hypothalamic Disease
    2. Diffuse brain Disease (infections, malignancy)
  3. Malabsorption Syndrome
    1. Constrictive lesions
    2. Enzyme deficiency
    3. Inflammatory Diseases
    4. Irritable bowel syndrome
  4. Chronic Infection
    1. HIV Infection - generally severe ("AIDS Wasting")
    2. Tuberculosis
    3. Fungal infections
    4. Parastitic Infections
  5. Malignancy associated cachexia [3,5]
  6. Adrenal (cortical) Insufficiency (Addison's Disease)
  7. Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) - increased appetite
  8. Diabetes mellitus with proteinuria - increased appetite
  9. Lipodystrophies
  10. Congestive heart failure [4]
  11. Two - step evaluation provided diagnosis in 84% of patients [2]

References navigator

  1. Garg A. 2000. Am J Med. 108(2):143 abstract
  2. Lankisch PG, Gerzmann M, Berzmann JF, Lehnick D. 2001. J Int Med. 249:41 abstract
  3. Kotler DP. 2000. Ann Intern Med. 133(8):622 abstract
  4. Anker SD, Negassa A, Coats AJS, et al. 2003. Lancet. 361(9363):1077 abstract
  5. Hernandez JL, Riancho JA, Matorras P, Gonzalez-Macias J. 2003. Am J Med. 114(8):631 abstract