section name header


A. Introduction navigator

  1. Uncommon
  2. Zenker's (upper)
  3. Middle
  4. Epiphrenic (lower)

B. Etiology navigator

  1. Zenker's and epiphrenic from increased pressure in sphincter zone
  2. Mid-esophageal diverticuli may be due to tuberculosis

C. Symptomsnavigator

  1. Regurgitation
  2. Dysphagia
  3. Substernal (Atypical) Chest Pain (if infected)

D. Diagnosisnavigator

  1. Barium Swallow
  2. Endoscopy - may perforate so barium swallow usually done first

E. Therapy navigator

  1. Myotomy - muscle is split in only one area
  2. Pneumatic dilatation in areas of narrowing
  3. May need anti-reflux medications
  4. Laparoscoipic resection of diverticula (diverticulectomy) now possible [3,4]

References navigator

  1. Achkar E. 1998. Dig Dis. 16(3):144 abstract
  2. Ferraro P and Duranceau A. 1994. Chest Surg Clin N Am. 4(4):741 abstract
  3. Renz EM, Parker MV, Hetz SP. 2002. Curr Surg. 5992):190
  4. Altman JI, Genden EM, Moche J. 2005. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 114(5);347 abstract