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Topic Editor: Sara Millican, MBBS

Review Date: 12/06/2012

Definition navigator

Osteomyelitis is a bacterial or fungal infection involving bone and/or bone marrow. It may be acute or chronic, and can result from contiguous or hematogenous spread of infection, or by direct inoculation through an open wound such as a fracture or following surgery.

Description navigator

Epidemiology navigator




Risk factors

Etiology navigator


History & Physical Findings

History navigator

Physical findings on examination navigator


Laboratory & Diagnostic Testing/Findings

Blood tests findings navigator

Radiographic findings navigator


Differential Diagnosis


General treatment items navigator

Acute osteomyelitis

Chronic osteomyelitis

Medications indicated with specific doses navigator

Dietary or Activity restrictions navigator

Disposition navigator

Admission criteria

Discharge criteria



Monitoring navigator

Complications navigator

Acute osteomyelitis

Chronic osteomyelitis



Prevention navigator

Prognosis navigator

Associated conditions navigator

Pregnancy/Pediatric effects on condition navigator

Synonyms/Abbreviations navigator


ICD-9-CM navigator

ICD-10-CM navigator



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