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A. Chromium [1]navigator

  1. Other Names: none
  2. Pharmacology
    1. Poor oral absorption from many foods
    2. Chromium picolinate (often used in supplements) has better absorption
  3. Normal Functions: coenzyme in insulin action, may improve insulin sensitivity
  4. Deficiency: not known; possible reduction in insulin sensitivity
  5. Overdose
    1. Doses up to 1000µg/day tolerated in short term
    2. Some cases of renal damage with high doses but unclear cause-effect
    3. In vitro mutagenic, but no reports of chromosomal abnormalities in vivo
  6. Currently Recommended Dosage: 20-35µg/day in adults; 45µg/day in lactating women
  7. Foods High in Chromium: most foods
  8. Therapeutic Uses
    1. Improves hyperglycemia that develops with long term total parenteral nutrition treatment
    2. Thus, chromium is often added to TPN solutions
    3. Reported to reverse glucocorticoid induced diabetes
    4. No clinically significant effects on gglucose metabolism or weight in Type 2 diabetes

References navigator

  1. Chromium Supplementation. 2006. Med Let. 48(1226):7 abstract