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Table 4-3

Differential Diagnosis of Chest Pain Excluding Epicardial Atherosclerosis

Aortic stenosisAnginal episodes can occur with severe aortic stenosis.
HCMSubendocardial ischemia may occur with exercise and/or exertion.
Prinzmetal anginaCoronary vasospasm that may be elicited by exertion or emotional stress.
PericarditisPleuritic chest pain associated with pericardial inflammation from infectious or autoimmune disease.
Aortic dissectionMay mimic anginal pain and/or involve the coronary arteries.
Cocaine useResults in coronary vasospasm and/or thrombus formation.
AnemiaMarked anemia can result in a myocardial O2 supply–demand mismatch.
ThyrotoxicosisIncrease in myocardial demand may result in an O2 supply–demand mismatch.
Esophageal diseaseGERD and esophageal spasm can mimic angina (responsive to NTG).
Biliary colicGallstones can usually be visualized on abdominal sonography.
Respiratory diseasesPneumonia with pleuritic pain, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension.
MusculoskeletalCostochondritis, cervical radiculopathy.

GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; NTG, nitroglycerin.