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Table 180-1

Muscles that Move Joints

MuscleNerveSegmental InnervationFunction
ShoulderSupraspinatusSuprascapular n.C5,6Abduction of upper arm
DeltoidAxillary n.C5,6Abduction of upper arm
ForearmBicepsMusculocutaneous n.C5,6Flexion of the supinated forearm
BrachioradialisRadial n.C5,6Forearm flexion with arm between pronation and supination
TricepsRadial n.C6,7,8Extension of forearm
Ext. carpi radialisRadial n.C5,6Extension and abduction of hand at the wrist
Ext. carpi ulnarisP. interosseous n.C7,8Extension and adduction of hand at the wrist
Ext. digitorumP. interosseous n.C7,8Extension of fingers at the MCP joints
SupinatorP. interosseous n.C6,7Supination of the extended forearm
Flex. carpi radialisMedian n.C6,7Flexion and abduction of hand at the wrist
Flex. carpi ulnarisUlnar n.C7,8,T1Flexion and adduction of hand at the wrist
Pronator teresMedian n.C6,7Pronation of the forearm
WristExt. carpi ulnarisUlnar n.C7,8,T1Extension/adduction at the wrist
Flex. carpi radialisMedian n.C6,7Flexion/abduction at the wrist
HandLumbricalsMedian + ulnar n.C8,T1Extension of fingers at PIP joint with the MCP joint extended and fixed
InterosseiUlnar n.C8,T1Abduction/adduction of the fingers
Flex. digitorumMedian + A. interosseous n.C7,C8,T1Flexion of the fingers
ThumbOpponens pollicisMedian n.C8,T1Touching the base of the 5th finger with thumb
Ext. pollicisP. interosseous n.C7,8Extension of the thumb
Add. pollicisUlnar n.C8,T1Adduction of the thumb
Abd. pollicisMedian n.C8,T1Abduction of the thumb
Flex. pollicis br.Ulnar n.C8,T1Flexion of the thumb
ThighIliopsoasFemoral n.L1,2,3Flexion of the thigh
GluteiSup. + inf. gluteal n.L4,L5,S1,S2Abduction, extension, and internal rotation of the leg
QuadricepsFemoral n.L2,3,4Extension of the leg at the knee
AdductorsObturator n.L2,3,4Adduction of the leg
HamstringsSciatic n.L5,S1,S2Flexion of the leg at the knee
FootGastrocnemiusTibial n.S1,S2Plantar flexion of the foot
Tibialis ant.Deep peroneal n.L4,5Dorsiflexion of the foot
PeroneiDeep peroneal n.L5,S1Eversion of the foot
Tibialis post.Tibial n.L4,5Inversion of the foot
ToesExt. hallucis l.Deep peroneal n.L5,S1Dorsiflexion of the great toe

Abbreviation: MCP, metacarpophalangeal; PIP, proximal interphalangeal.