An Algorithm for the Resuscitation of the Pt in Shock - Flowchart
An Algorithm for the Resuscitation of the Pt in Shock - Flowchart

Hypotension and/or Tachycardia

Hypotension and/or Tachycardia

Hypotension and/or Tachycardia

Hypotension and/or Tachycardia

Airway control
Assure ventilation
Augment circulation (crystalloid +/– blood)

Airway control
Assure ventilation
Augment circulation (crystalloid +/– blood)

Airway control
Assure ventilation
Augment circulation (crystalloid +/– blood)

Airway control
Assure ventilation
Augment circulation (crystalloid +/– blood)

Definitive W/U

Definitive W/U

Definitive W/U

Administer crystalloid +/– blood

Hct >30
CVP >15

Administer crystalloid +/– blood

Hct >30
CVP >15

Administer crystalloid +/– blood

Hct >30
CVP >15

Hct >30
CVP >15

Consider cardiac dysfunction or tamponade

Treat appropriately

Consider cardiac dysfunction or tamponade

Treat appropriately

Consider cardiac dysfunction or tamponade

Treat appropriately

Treat appropriately

Administer crystalloid +/– blood PCWP >15, Hct >30*

Administer crystalloid +/– blood PCWP >15, Hct >30*

Administer crystalloid +/– blood PCWP >15, Hct >30*

* *

Administer 500 mL crystalloid boluses until preload maximal CI (Starling's curve)

Administer 500 mL crystalloid boluses until preload maximal CI (Starling's curve)

Administer 500 mL crystalloid boluses until preload maximal CI (Starling's curve)

Inotrope as indicated*
Consider ECHO

Inotrope as indicated*
Consider ECHO

Inotrope as indicated*
Consider ECHO

Inotrope as indicated* * *
Consider ECHO

Monitor CI deterioration

Monitor CI deterioration

Monitor CI deterioration

Maintain optimal PCWP*

Blood (Hct 30)

Maintain optimal PCWP*

Blood (Hct 30)

Maintain optimal PCWP*

* *

Blood (Hct 30)

Blood (Hct 30)

* Monitor SVO2, SVRI, and RVEDVI as additional markers of correction for perfusion and hypovolemia. Consider age-adjusted CI.

* Monitor SVO2, SVRI, and RVEDVI as additional markers of correction for perfusion and hypovolemia. Consider age-adjusted CI.

* Monitor SVO2, SVRI, and RVEDVI as additional markers of correction for perfusion and hypovolemia. Consider age-adjusted CI.

* 2




Central monitoring

Central monitoring

Central monitoring

CVP <15

CVP <15

CVP <15

CVP >15

CVP >15

CVP >15

Airway control
Assure ventilation
Augment circulation (crystalloid +/– blood)

Airway control
Assure ventilation
Augment circulation (crystalloid +/– blood)

Airway control
Assure ventilation
Augment circulation (crystalloid +/– blood)

Airway control
Assure ventilation
Augment circulation (crystalloid +/– blood)

VS Unstable
HR >120 and/or SBP <90

VS Unstable
HR >120 and/or SBP <90

VS Unstable

VS Normalized

VS Normalized

VS Normalized

Administer crystalloid +/– blood

Hct >30
CVP >15

Administer crystalloid +/– blood

Hct >30
CVP >15

Administer crystalloid +/– blood

Hct >30
CVP >15

Hct >30
CVP >15

VS unstable or acidosis worsens

VS unstable or acidosis worsens

VS Unstable

VS Normalized

VS Normalized

VS Normalized

Insert PAC

Insert PAC

Insert PAC

CI <3.5; PCWP <15

CI <3.5; PCWP <15

CI <3.5; PCWP <15

CI <3.5; 15 < PCWP <20

CI <3.5; 15 < PCWP <20

CI <3.5; 15 < PCWP <20

CI <3.5; PCWP >20

CI <3.5; PCWP >20

CI <3.5; PCWP >20

Consider cardiac dysfunction or tamponade

Treat appropriately

Consider cardiac dysfunction or tamponade

Treat appropriately

Treat appropriately Cardiac dysfunction and temponade