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Table 83-1

Clinical Features of Genital Ulcers

FeatureSyphilisHerpesChancroidLymphogranuloma VenereumDonovanosis
Incubation period9-90 days2-7 days1-14 days3 days-6 weeks1-4 weeks (up to 6 months)
Early primary lesionsPapuleVesiclePustulePapule, pustule, or vesiclePapule
No. of lesionsUsually oneMultipleUsually multiple, may coalesceUsually one; often not detected, despite lymphadenopathyVariable
Diameter5-15 mm1-2 mmVariable2-10 mmVariable
EdgesSharply demarcated, elevated, round, or ovalErythematousUndermined, ragged, irregularElevated, round, or ovalElevated, irregular
DepthSuperficial or deepSuperficialExcavatedSuperficial or deepElevated
BaseSmooth, nonpurulent, relatively nonvascularSerous, erythematous, nonvascularPurulent, bleeds easilyVariable, nonvascularRed and velvety, bleeds readily
IndurationFirmNoneSoftOccasionally firmFirm
PainUncommonFrequently tenderUsually very tenderVariableUncommon
LymphadenopathyFirm, nontender, bilateralFirm, tender, often bilateral with initial episodeTender, may suppurate, loculated, usually unilateralTender, may suppurate, loculated, usually unilateralNone; pseudobuboes

Source: From RM Ballard, in KK Holmes et al (eds): Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 4th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2008.