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Table 192-1

Symptoms and Signs of Chronic Meningitis

Chronic headache±Papilledema
Neck or back pain/stiffnessBrudzinski's or Kernig's sign of meningeal irritation
Change in personalityAltered mental status—drowsiness, inattention, disorientation, memory loss, frontal release signs (grasp, suck, snout), perseveration
Facial weaknessPeripheral seventh CN paresis
Double visionParesis of CNs III, IV, VI
Diminished visionPapilledema, optic atrophy
Hearing lossEighth CN paresis
Arm or leg weaknessMyelopathy or radiculopathy
Numbness in arms or legsMyelopathy or radiculopathy
Urinary retention/incontinence

Myelopathy or radiculopathy

Frontal lobe dysfunction (hydrocephalus)


Abbreviation: CN, cranial nerve.