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Table 48-1

Lumbosacral Radiculopathy: Neurologic Features

Lumbosacral Nerve Roots Examination FindingsPain Distribution
L2aUpper anterior thighPsoas (hip flexors)Anterior thigh
L3aLower anterior thighPsoas (hip flexors)Anterior thigh, knee
Anterior kneeQuadriceps (knee extensors)
Thigh adductors
L4aQuadriceps (knee)Medial calfQuadriceps (knee extensors)bKnee, medial calf
Thigh adductorsAnterolateral thigh
L5cDorsal surface—footPeronei (foot evertors)bLateral calf, dorsal foot, posterolateral thigh, buttocks
Lateral calfTibialis anterior (foot dorsiflexors)
Gluteus medius (hip abductors)
Toe dorsiflexors
S1cGastrocnemius/soleus (ankle)Plantar surface—footGastrocnemius/soleus (foot plantar flexors)bBottom foot, posterior calf, posterior thigh, buttocks
Lateral aspect—footAbductor hallucis (toe flexors)b
Gluteus maximus (hip extensors)

aReverse straight leg-raising sign present—see “Examination of the Back.”

bThese muscles receive the majority of innervation from this root.

cStraight leg-raising sign present—see “Examination of the Back” in Engstrom JW, Deyo RA: Back and Neck Pain, Chap. 22. Status Epilepticus, p. 111, in HPIM-19.