Chronic Diarrhea - Flowchart
Chronic Diarrhea - Flowchart Chronic Diarrhea Chronic Diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea

Suspect IBS

Suspect IBS

Suspect IBS

Small bowel: Imaging, biopsy, aspirate

Small bowel: Imaging, biopsy, aspirate

Small bowel: Imaging, biopsy, aspirate

Colonoscopy + biopsy

Colonoscopy + biopsy

Colonoscopy + biopsy




Limited screen for organic disease: hematology, chemistry, CRP, ESR, Fe, folate, B12, TTG-igA, C4, stool for excess fat, calprotectin

Limited screen for organic disease: hematology, chemistry, CRP, ESR, Fe, folate, B12, TTG-igA, C4, stool for excess fat, calprotectin

Limited screen for organic disease: hematology, chemistry, CRP, ESR, Fe, folate, B12, TTG-igA, C4, stool for excess fat, calprotectin


Opioid Rx + follow-up

Opioid Rx + follow-up

Opioid Rx + follow-up

Stool vol, osm, pH; laxative screen; hormonal screen

Stool vol, osm, pH; laxative screen; hormonal screen

Stool vol, osm, pH; laxative screen; hormonal screen

Titrate Rx to speed of transit

Titrate Rx to speed of transit

Titrate Rx to speed of transit

Alb, albumin; BM, bowel movement; Hb, hemoglobin; IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; OSM, osmolality; pr, per rectum.

Alb, albumin; BM, bowel movement; Hb, hemoglobin; IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; OSM, osmolality; pr, per rectum.

Alb, albumin; BM, bowel movement; Hb, hemoglobin; IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; OSM, osmolality; pr, per rectum.

A. Initial management based on accompanying symptoms or features.

B. Evaluation based on findings from a limited age-appropriate screen for organic disease.

A. Initial management based on accompanying symptoms or features.

B. Evaluation based on findings from a limited age-appropriate screen for organic disease.

A. Initial management based on accompanying symptoms or features.


B. Evaluation based on findings from a limited age-appropriate screen for organic disease.


Exclude iatrogenic problem: medication, surgery

Exclude iatrogenic problem: medication, surgery

Exclude iatrogenic problem: medication, surgery

Blood p.r.

Blood p.r.

Blood p.r.

Fatty diarrhea

Fatty diarrhea

Fatty diarrhea

Pain aggravated before BM, relieved with BM, sense incomplete evacuation

Pain aggravated before BM, relieved with BM, sense incomplete evacuation

Pain aggravated before BM

No blood, features of malabsorption

No blood, features of malabsorption

No blood

Consider functional diarrhea

Consider functional diarrhea

Consider functional diarrhea

Limited screen for organic disease: hematology, chemistry, CRP, ESR, Fe, folate, B12, TTG-igA, C4, stool for excess fat, calprotectin

Limited screen for organic disease: hematology, chemistry, CRP, ESR, Fe, folate, B12, TTG-igA, C4, stool for excess fat, calprotectin

12 Limited screen for organic disease

Dietary exclusion, e.g., lactose, sorbitol

Dietary exclusion, e.g., lactose, sorbitol

Dietary exclusion

Low Hb, Alb; abnormal MCV, MCH; excess fat in stool

Low Hb, Alb; abnormal MCV, MCH; excess fat in stool

Low Hb, Alb

Low serum K+ 

Low serum K+ 

+ Low serum K[+]

Screening tests all normal

Screening tests all normal

Screening tests all normal

Colonoscopy + biopsy

Colonoscopy + biopsy

Colonoscopy + biopsy

Small bowel: x-ray, biopsy, aspirate; stool 48 h fat

Small bowel: x-ray, biopsy, aspirate; stool 48 h fat

Small bowel

Stool fat >20 g/day: pancreatic function

Stool fat >20 g/day: pancreatic function

Stool fat >20 g/day

Stool fat 14-20 g/day: search for small bowel cause

Stool fat 14-20 g/day: search for small bowel cause

Stool fat 14-20 g/day

Normal and stool fat <14 g/day

Normal and stool fat <14 g/day

Normal and stool fat <14 g/day

BA sequestrant

BA sequestrant

BA sequestrant

Persistent chronic diarrhea

Persistent chronic diarrhea

Persistent chronic diarrhea

Colonoscopy + biopsy

Colonoscopy + biopsy

Colonoscopy + biopsy

Small bowel: x-ray, biopsy, aspirate; stool 48 h fat

Small bowel: x-ray, biopsy, aspirate; stool 48 h fat

Small bowel

Stool vol, osm, pH; laxative screen; hormonal screen

Stool vol, osm, pH; laxative screen; hormonal screen

Stool vol

Full gut transit

Full gut transit

Full gut transit

48 h stool bile acid

48 h stool bile acid

48 h stool bile acid